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Hello Everyone!

Lee Miller

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I just wanted to introduce myself. I’ve got a couple of tanks and more in the garage. 

I kept fish as a kid and even in college for a bit. Didn’t really know what I was doing. My LFS was the Walmart 30mins to a hour away. Life got going. Got married. Just dropped out of the hobby.

About two years ago I kinda got depressed and was cruising YouTube and stumbled onto @Cory’s videos and got my passion for the hobby back and my depression lessened up.

I now have two tanks in my bedroom (cause my wife is awesome) two in my daughters room and I can’t wait till my son is just a little older to have another tank in his room. (That poor betta) 

I’ve loved every minute of being in this community and I don’t think there is another like it.

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Welcome, Lee!


I hear ya about the tanks helping with depression and anxiety.  I retired not that long ago and did struggle a bit with depression. I didn't really have the same sense of purpose I had when I was working daily. Starting up fishkeeping again after 40+ years really helped and I jumped into it with gusto.

Tons of friendly, helpful people here, I'm sure you're going to enjoy the place!

Edited by Rikostan
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Hey Lee, nice to "meet" ya. I'm new here too. Just joined yesterday, and I'm already enjoying the community, too. 

I also have tanks spread throughout the house, and I'm lucky to also have a partner who doesn't seem to mind. This year especially, with all the troubles in the world, I've found my aquariums keep me sane. Some people have fish rooms, and some of us just put them in every room in the house! 😉

What sort of fish do you keep? Any favorites? 

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I got some endlers this year put them in a tub outside and they seem to do pretty well. I’ve recently fell in love with CPDs just got my first group of 6. I’m hoping to get some more next month.

Ive got a green dragon betta in a 5 gal on my night stand.

one tank in daughters room in full of red tuxedo guppies. The other is a wild type axolotl. 



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