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Ramshorn snail question


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Hello everyone, I have no idea where this guy came from, but I am the proud owner of a ramshorn snail! However I noticed a weird line thing on his shell, and I'm wondering if it is cause for concern. I can take better pictures if needed, but any help as to what it may be would be very lovely. Thank you all for your time, and have a great day!


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Funny enough my water tends to be a touch on the softer side, around 6.6 on my ph test. I only noticed him in the 5g tank today, a day after adding some new plants to the tank, but they were the Petco out of water tube plants, so I imagine there's no way he came from there. I'm all for some snail buddies in the tank, but I just want to make sure that odd line isn't a parasite or anything like that. Good to know it could just be something common though!

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Hi. It’s probably old damage from a fall and chip to his shell. His new growth looks good. Keep an eye out for shell erosion 6.6 is a bit low. Neutral or higher is best. Ive never kept ramshorns @laritheloud keeps them and could guide you better than I could with them. I have also never kept snails in soft acidic water so im sure a calcium source such as veggies are needed. Best of luck. Congratulations on your new friend. 

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Nah, ramshorns, once in your tank, are bulletproof. I absolutely love them. Now that you have one you'll have plenty in no time. If you want to keep them fed, you can sprinkle in some invert food if you'd like, or add a wondershell for minerals in the tank, but they should really be just fine on clean-up, algae, and biofilm. 🙂 Enjoy!

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