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Fancy Goldfish Tumor


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I adopted this fish and two others from an internet ad last weekend. It has a large tumor does anyone have personal experience with it? The person who owned them said the fish has had it for a long time and it hasn’t effected him. He lays on the rocks more often than the other two but eats, swims and appears healthy otherwise. 


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It looks like a granuloma or a tumor treatment wise you could get a fish vet to remove it if it's a granuloma I read that tetracycline or minocycline have been effective at sinking the lumps minocycline is the active ingredient in maracyn2  you could also add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons with maracyn2 if it a tumor other then having it removed theirs not a lot a could suggest

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Don't know where you live but I'm thankfully close to a University with a reknowned Vetrinary hospital- some of them have services- a friend of mine took her goldfish to them once. If there are any of those remotely close to you even if you can't take your fish there maybe they have a referal service to a graduate vet in your area. 

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