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how can I lower nitrate levels in my fish tank?


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I was wondering how to lower nitrate levels in my fish tank. 

I tested the water today and the results were;

pH : 7.0

Ammonia : 0.25 ppm

Nitrite : 0 ppm

Nitrate : 10 ppm

There has been a LOT of algae growth in my fish tank lately. The nitrate level in my fish tank is usually 0 to 5 ppm.

Any tips?

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On 11/19/2021 at 9:00 AM, KBOzzie59 said:

Honestly 10 ppm is pretty good, I'd be more concerned with the ammonia.  Is this a "cycled" tank?  Live plants?  Fish?

we've had the tank since august (got 5 fish in mid september).

the tank has an anubias nana and java moss in it (we're going to go get some floating plants this week).

(just to add the tank is 20 gal long)

Edited by -blake-
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Nitrates are far less toxic to fish than ammonia or nitrites.  Many people don't get concerned unless it gets over 40 ppm, and some don't worry if it's twice that high.  Your nitrates are fine, but keep an eye on that ammonia.  0.25 ppm is within the margin of error for the test, but if it gets any higher I'd suggest a water change to get it down.

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On 11/19/2021 at 11:05 AM, JettsPapa said:


Nitrates are far less toxic to fish than ammonia or nitrites.  Many people don't get concerned unless it gets over 40 ppm, and some don't worry if it's twice that high.  Your nitrates are fine, but keep an eye on that ammonia.  0.25 ppm is within the margin of error for the test, but if it gets any higher I'd suggest a water change to get it down.

I'll keep an eye on it.

we do a water change every other week and we do one tomorrow.

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