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Mystery Illness?


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Hi everyone,

So the past week or so, I've been losing my oranda goldfish one by one. My tank is 70 gallons. I keep it at 74F (23C).

About 1.5 to 2 weeks ago, I noticed a spike in nitrates (I think from overfeeding - my bad). So I did a large water change and kept testing the water every other day to keep it around 20ppm or less. 

I had 4 orandas in the tank around 3 inches. I noticed one developed a white slimy looking growth on his body and had what i believe was anchor worm so I took him out for meds and QT for a week. He got better and looked fine but a day later he died. At this point I had treated the whole tank for anchor worm too.  Yesterday, I noticed two of my other orandas breathing fast and not being active. This morning I found them both dead, one was floating upside down and the other laying on the substrate. I currently still have one in the tank, who's still swimming around but seems spooked when I come near the tank

I don't have any pictures unfortunately. Anyone any ideas what happened? Is there some disease in the tank that would require me to bleach the system and start all over?

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Very sorry. I’m not the best helper here, but at least I can sympathize. It may be that the illness was more wide spread in the tank, not just affecting your initial quarantined oranda. It might also be that it was something other than what you treated for that knocked them out. I find that if I switch Goldfish to water with a decidedly different chemistry and temperature, the transition to and from really stresses them. 

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On 11/18/2021 at 1:39 AM, Colu said:

What are your water parameters white slime could be over production of the slime or was it more like patches of white or grey  that could be Columnaris

Hi, yeah it was like patches of white/grey.

The parameteres were 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 20ppm nitrates. 

On 11/18/2021 at 2:15 AM, Fish Folk said:

Very sorry. I’m not the best helper here, but at least I can sympathize. It may be that the illness was more wide spread in the tank, not just affecting your initial quarantined oranda. It might also be that it was something other than what you treated for that knocked them out. I find that if I switch Goldfish to water with a decidedly different chemistry and temperature, the transition to and from really stresses them. 

When I first got them home from the lfs, they seemed to be quite well adjusted? like they weren't stressed from what I could tell. But yeah, I'm thinking it was something else in the tank, just no idea what though. 

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If it white and grey patches i it could be Columnaris  the most effective treatment is kanaplex and api furan2 together if you can't get furan2 use aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone and kanaplex together here's how i treat I was also lower the temperature as Columnaris spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can kill fish in 24hr to a couple of days depending on the stain 



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On 11/18/2021 at 12:41 PM, Colu said:

If it white and grey patches i it could be Columnaris  the most effective treatment is kanaplex and api furan2 together if you can't get furan2 use aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone and kanaplex together here's how i treat I was also lower the temperature as Columnaris spreadsore quickly at higher temperatures



Thanks for the info, unfortunately I can't get those here. The oranda which did have columnaris passed away a few days ago. I just have one oranda left in my tank, he doesn't appear to have any symptoms of disease.

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On 11/18/2021 at 2:51 PM, Colu said:

Where are you located I can see if there's an alternative treatment

Ireland. Update, I came home and unfortunately my last oranda passed away too. He had a white slimy film on him so I do indeed believe its Columnaris. I'm not sure what to do with the tank, will I treat it with meds anyways to kill off any remaining disease?

Thanks for the help.

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On 11/18/2021 at 4:28 PM, Flowerhorn_K said:

Ireland. Update, I came home and unfortunately my last oranda passed away too. He had a white slimy film on him so I do indeed believe its Columnaris. I'm not sure what to do with the tank, will I treat it with meds anyways to kill off any remaining disease?

Thanks for the help.

What I would do is sterilise the tank with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and wash every thoroughly throw away the filter media bake the substrate to kill any remaining I would leave it dry and empty for a month after that before adding fish i would get holed of Sera baktopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic and aquarium salt you can get off Amazon and e bay if you have problems in the future Sera baktopur direct tables and   1 table spoon for 1 gallon of aquarium salt is also an effective treatment for Columnaris

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On 11/18/2021 at 5:06 PM, Colu said:

What I would do is sterilise the tank with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and wash every thoroughly throw away the filter media bake the substrate to kill any remaining I would leave it dry and empty for a month after that before adding fish i would get holed of Sera baktopur direct tables active ingredient is nifurpirinol a broad spectrum antibiotic and aquarium you can get off Amazon and e bay if you have problems in the future Sera baktopur direct tables and  1 table spoon for 1 gallon of aquarium salt is also an effective treatment for Columnaris

How much hydrogen peroxide would I need to add to the tank? 

Thanks I'll look into the Sera baktopur!

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I would use 5 parts hydrogen peroxide to 5 parts water clean the tank thoroughly I would also sterilise any nets filters buckets they have come into contact with and then I would rinse the tank well with dechlorinator water 

Edited by Colu
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