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Concerned that this is fin rot


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I know the pictures aren't high quality, but I tried for half an hour and these were the best I could get. I posted the same question on reddit with video bit can't post it here. His top tail fin has been torn like this for a month at least and I'm worried it's progressing to fin rot. Can anyone tell me if it is fin rot and if so, what else can I do about it?  I'm using API Stress Guard and indian almond leaves at the moment

Ammonia and nitrites: 0ppm

Nitrates: 40ppm (doing water changes to get this down over the course of a couple days)


pH: 8.2


Edit: added pics from when I brought him home for comparison







Edited by ThatOneGuy23
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Hi, welcome to the forum. Firstly, beautiful betta. As you suspect it is hard to tell if there is fin rot. I see you are doing your best to mitigate any potential damage caused by water parameters. You  might also want to check all area of your tanks and where your betta hangs out the most for anything that migh cause further damage to his fins. Keep the water clean and the stress low. Also here is a helpful video on treating betta fin rot:


Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 11/14/2021 at 9:33 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Hi, welcome to the forum. Firstly, beautiful betta. As you suspect it is hard to tell if there is fin rot. I see you are doing your best to mitigate any potential damage caused by water parameters. You  might also want to check all area of your tanks and where your betta hangs out the most for anything that migh cause further damage to his fins. Keep the water clean and the stress low. Also here is a helpful video on treating betta fin rot:


Thank you very much for the kind words! I do have some sharper rocks that may have caused some damage, I've since sanded them down and will likely be replacing them with river stone that my family ordered for a backyard renovation, I'm sure they won't miss a couple of them lol. I will keep up with the water changes and get my boy some new decor


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