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Looking for recommendations for CO2 system


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I want to add CO2 to my 75G/284L tank. Should I just use a generator system or filled paintball gun CO2 tanks?

I was thinking about being lazy and doing a generator setup with the baking soda and citric acid. Like the "FZONE 2.5L Aquarium CO2 Generator System Carbon Dioxide Reactor Kit with Regulator Mini DC Solenoid and Diffuser for Aquarium Plants Tanks" thing that is on Amazon. 

BUT. I have a 10# CO2 setup in my garage inside my Keezer that I use to force carbonate beer and kegs. If I can just fill a Paintball tank from that system, that would be neat. But I'm not sure how this would work.... Is this even a good idea? Has anyone here done this?

How much CO2 do I even need for a moderately planted 75G? Do I need more than one diffuser?

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@Mmiller2001wow. That's a lot more CO2 than what we use for our beer! 🤣 I have our 10# filled every 9 months, at most. I may need to find an alternative to buying another 10# tank and regulator. I don't have the space in my cabinet for that size tank and I'm 100% sure my husband would lose his mind at the idea of me having to get $30 in CO2 every month.

Is it possible to use CO2 injection along with something like Easy Carbon?

Most of my plants have no "requirement" for CO2 but a few are "medium requirement". Regardless, I know everything would grow better with CO2. However, I actually want some algae growth to help feed the community. I'm a bit worried about putting in too much CO2 and losing algae. I have 4 otos and 5 Amano shrimp. I'm currently exterminating snails.

Thank you for the advice!

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On 11/11/2021 at 5:01 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

On a 75 gallon tank, you might have to fill too often making it a chore. I go through a 10lb tank about every 35 days on my 75. 

I would spend the extra bucks, get something like a CO2Art regulator or GLA regulator and use the 10lb tank.

This seems a bit odd; i go through a 10lb tank on my 120 every 4 to 5 months. Anyway I second co2art regulators - and blackfriday period is a good time to order one as they often have a 20% or 30% discount. gla are good regulator but cost a lot more and many of them are single stage.

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@anewbie Good to know, good to know. I didn't even think about a dual stage regulator. I'll probably have to do a 5# tank if I go that route. My cabinet isn't tall enough or wide/deep enough for a 10#. Even with turning the gauges to be sideways. Canister filter fail #2. 

Guess I can ask Santa for some more toys. 😛 Oy. Mamma has expensive hobbies.

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On 11/11/2021 at 3:40 PM, anewbie said:

This seems a bit odd; i go through a 10lb tank on my 120 every 4 to 5 months. Anyway I second co2art regulators - and blackfriday period is a good time to order one as they often have a 20% or 30% discount. gla are good regulator but cost a lot more and many of them are single stage.

What's your injection method?

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On 11/11/2021 at 11:20 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

What's your injection method?

I use co2art in tank diffuser; not in love with it - i suspect the gla inline diffuser is better but I don't want to deal with inline right now - after i move i will replace the tank with a 450 and consider inline off the sump pump.

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On 11/12/2021 at 12:50 AM, anewbie said:

I use co2art in tank diffuser; not in love with it - i suspect the gla inline diffuser is better but I don't want to deal with inline right now - after i move i will replace the tank with a 450 and consider inline off the sump pump.

Maybe it's the altitude I'm at? When I used an inline diffuser, I think I only got 45ish days out of my tank. 

Now a days, I have double surface skimming and more surface agitation. I'm also at peak injection faster than before. This could explain things.

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On 11/12/2021 at 4:34 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

Maybe it's the altitude I'm at? When I used an inline diffuser, I think I only got 45ish days out of my tank. 

Now a days, I have double surface skimming and more surface agitation. I'm also at peak injection faster than before. This could explain things.

Might have something to do with surface agitation or dif. quality as well as amount of co2; i'm at ph drop 1.1.

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