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Co2 levels

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Asking out of curiosity as I don't use Co2 in any of my tanks.
The air in our houses has much higher Co2 levels than our aquariums so...... would slowly pushing air through a diffuser raise tank Co2 a bit?

I'm too lazy to experiment myself but has anyone else tried it?

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I don't think that it would work well enough to see any measurable results, especially for the effort of trying to get air to push through a diffuser. You would have to have enough compressed air in a tank to push air through the diffuser, and even then, the co2 levels are probably not worth the effort. 

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On 11/9/2021 at 2:19 AM, Zenzo said:

I don't think that it would work well enough to see any measurable results, especially for the effort of trying to get air to push through a diffuser. You would have to have enough compressed air in a tank to push air through the diffuser, and even then, the co2 levels are probably not worth the effort. 

That might explain why nobody does it 😁

I was thinking more of simply running the diffuser off a standard air pump as most of us have air running into our aquariums anyway but it was just a thought.

Maybe I'll run the experiment when I retire and have the time to tinker lol

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