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changing substrate


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So i have pea gravel in my 29 gallon tank with about 6 pea puffers and I am just really not liking the look of it and the pea puffers are so small currently that its really hard to even see them when they are laying on the bottom relaxing at night. I am also a little worried about them laying on the gravel or kinda getting down into it and a piece of gravel shifting and trapping them since they are so small currently. So my question is how should i go about switching out the substrate? I plan on switching to sand. Should I only switch out half of the gravel then do the rest in like a week? Or since it is such a low bioload can i just take all of the gravel out and put sand in instead? If I do a full switch out would getting a mesh bag and putting some of the gravel in it and leaving it in the tank for a bit be a good idea while bb get caught up?

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As changing the substrate is a pain I'd do it all in one go. 

As mentioned this a quite a light bio load so I personally wouldn't worry about the bacteria being lost you have  mature filter media. If you keep all your decor to in tank water during the change it will help keep its bacteria alive and hopefully the cycle won't slip to much.

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since the pea puffers are so small i just took them out and put them in a container with some tank water and the water sprite thats floating so they would feel more confortable. Drained the tank since the gravel was filthy and the water was terrible once i started scooping it out. then added the sand and put it all back together. took about an hour and a half give or take.

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