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Otocinclus Eating Bloodworms


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Everything I've read about otocinclus says they are aufwuchs feeders, only grazing on algae, vegetables, and biofilm. Today I fed some bloodworms for my coryadoras and this guy started munching right along with them. I didn't get a great picture, but you can barely make out the end of the worm by his mouth. This is at least the second one he's ate. Just thought I'd share this with you guys as I was amazed by this.


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I just fed bloodworms to my aquids this evening, and my otos continued their grazing. I was curious to see whether they'd eat the worms because all of my other fish, as well as the frogs, shrimp, and assassin snails, consume them with great gusto, but the otos did not. 🤷‍♀️

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