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3 New guppy looking sick


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I just got 3 male guppies one die today just got them yesterday at petco. the other two left are still alive but in one plece bearly moving they swim alittle they have color but not eating and one white spot on top i think. and gills kinda red, do someone know what could it be and how to treat it. Thanks 

Ph is 7.6.         Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 10- to 20

I put some prozipro for incase of pirisite but like I said one die today any suggestions please. 


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What is your water hardness vs the stores? And temperature? Guppies are pretty strong so my guess is that the change of minerals from the store and your home are too different and need a longer acclimation like drip or having the tank be at their parameters and slowly work your way to yours. 

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On 9/11/2021 at 1:22 AM, Nooby said:

Treat with maraclyn or kanaplex

Maracyn and kanaplex are for bacterial and fungal infections and won't have any effects on ammonia poisoning. The guppies in the photo doesn't  appear to have severe ammonia poisoning to cause them to be lethargic. Yellowier and clearer guppies tend to have naturally pinkish to reddish gils that appear, with ammonia poisoning I would expect a bright and large red patch for these guppies. The best thing for ammonia poisoning is to have a stressless environment and clean water. 

Edited by Keeg
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On 9/11/2021 at 1:23 AM, Keeg said:

What is your water hardness vs the stores? And temperature? Guppies are pretty strong so my guess is that the change of minerals from the store and your home are too different and need a longer acclimation like drip or having the tank be at their parameters and slowly work your way to yours. 

Hard not sure the store

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On 9/11/2021 at 6:14 AM, alcidmr said:

Oh and also they had white long poop. but they haven't eaten since Thursday they act like thy going to eat but the stops swimming towards the food I dont think I mention that at the biggining.

Thats a sign of internal parasites. Para cleanse would take care of that

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