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Circulation Part 2

Ben Mills

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So I got the nano circulation pump off of the website. Does anyone know how long I should have it on per day in my 20 gallon? Heavily stocked with mollies, platys, corys, kuhlis, and even a pair of GBR. I also have heavily stocked plants (pogos) some Amazon swords, and water sprite, but a majority POGOs. Anyone have any reccomendations?

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Depending on the flow, direction, and if it pushes the fish around, you can either have the pump always on (which may prolong the life of the pump due to less on-off cycles), or have it turn on in the daytime when the fish are active, and off at night when they are sleeping/resting. I am assuming that you have other forms of water movement in the tank to allow for the gas exchange and oxygenation. 

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