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Betta disease - can't figure it out


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Hey there - hoping I can get a little help identifying what is going on with my betta. About a month ago we came down to the tank to find some sort of growth on our betta. It was sort of a fuzzy white color, so we immediately thought columnaris and started treating with Furan and Kanaplex. It seemed like it was helping initially when the biggest spot was looking better, but then we started seeing more elsewhere on her body. We switched to Paraguard for 14 days and that seems to clear it up completely. In both cases we treated the tank.

After a week with no Paraguard it's pretty clear it's coming back. She's also spending a lot of time in the back corner with the heater. My new hypothesis is body flukes, but I'm really not sure since Paraguard should have taken care of it. This all started about 2-3 weeks after introducing newly purchased plants in the aquarium (that also came with pest snails that I missed when cleaning them).

It's 20 gallon planted tank with just her and 2 snails. Ph is 7.4, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates all 0. Temperature is around 78. My temptation is to move her to a quarantine tank and start her tank all over with new substrate and plants. I have a second planted tank that I can bring in plants from rather than risk new purchases.

Any help would be appreciated.

Original outbreak

As of today
She's not co-operating for photos today, but at least two of the red spots near her dorsal fin have similar white filaments from the earlier outbreak (although not as much)

Edited by soundedfury
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 cotton wool filaments are fungal infection it could be parasites or a bacterial infection with a secondary fungal infection I would treat with API fungus cure and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if you have live plants salt at that level will harm them

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