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One month ago I had put in 10 caridina  (red and white) Shrimp into my community tank with 10 cardinal tetras and 1 bristle-nose pleco. I have not seen them very often only about 2 at time if I am lucky. I have a small rock mass in the middle of tank a big piece of wood. I haven’t seen any shrimp bodies in my tank and my lid pretty tight. Is there any way they could have gotten eaten? Is there any way I get the 2 that I have seen to come out of hiding. 

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Seems equally possible that they were eaten or are just hiding.  I've never kept cardinal tetras but I've heard form ppl that their tetras eat shrimp.  

For what it's worth I bought 20 yellow shrimp a couple months ago and put them in a 16 gallon w/endlers, its planted w/driftwood and rocks and I also set up a couple rock piles for baby shrimp, I have only ever seen about 4-5 at once (similar ratio to yours) and I haven't seen evidence of die offs.  I'm sure the endlers are eating babies, but I do see a few small shrimp every once in a while that didn't come with my order. 

I think give it some time and you'd likely see more of them.    

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