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Cory Cat Stocking

Tyler LaZerte

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I have a 16 gallon aquarium that will have 20 Neocaridina davidii "Blue Dream", 20 cpds, 6 Nerites, a Rabbit Snail, 2 Cappuccino Snails, and a White Wizard Snail. Do you think it would be possible to add a group of 6 corys (maybe Sterbai) to it? I'm just thinking it may be too small for the corys. 

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23 hours ago, Tyler LaZerte said:

I have a 16 gallon aquarium that will have 20 Neocaridina davidii "Blue Dream", 20 cpds, 6 Nerites, a Rabbit Snail, 2 Cappuccino Snails, and a White Wizard Snail. Do you think it would be possible to add a group of 6 corys (maybe Sterbai) to it? I'm just thinking it may be too small for the corys. 

I agree with @Colu. Dwarf species like pygmy cories (C. pygmaeus), dwarf tail-spot cories (C. hastatus) would work, as well as other smaller species such as dwarf salt-and-pepper cories (C. habrosus) and panda cories (C. panda), to name a few. As you were considering, C. adolfoi may work, although the females could potentially grow a little too large for a 16 gallon tank. Unfortunately, I have to rule out C. sterbai from the possibilities, because they are one of the larger and bigger-bodied species, reaching around 3 inches for the females. I hope this helps!

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1 minute ago, Tyler LaZerte said:

@CorydorasEthan and you think with 5 pandas, 20 cpds, 20 blue dream shrimp, 6 nerites, a rabbit snail, cappuccino snail and a white wizard snail the tank will not be overstocked? Keep in mind, it is also going to be fully planted. I just want to make sure they will have enough swimming area. 

I think you might have to limit the number of celestial pearl danios due to swimming space. I haven't kept them before, but this many in a 16 gallon might be too crowded. I would recommend around 10 of them instead. Also, you might want to start with only a few blue dream shrimp (maybe 7 max), as Neocaridina's will reproduce.

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