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Any suggestions!


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Yes, I've posted a lot since I joined and Im sorry. It's my first tank and I'm learning as I go. I've learned a lot in the last 2 weeks. Anyways, my Black Skirt Tetras were doing better last night. I woke up and they were swimming around together, which made me happy. However, once again the water was a bit cloudy so I added some Accuclear to clear it up (1ml) as suggested for 10 G. Since I added it, my Tetras are acting slow and sluggish and are going back to the surface for air once in awhile. Could it be the Accuclear that is stressing them or something else? Any suggestions?

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The water clarifiers tend to act like glue and clump small stuff together until it becomes big stuff that then settles out of the water and either goes into the gravel or into the filter. Because it acts like glue it can also glue stuff to the gills of the fish making it harder for them to breath. My best guess is it's the Accuclear that's causing your current issues.  The good news is it should resolve on its own over time. Check your tank temp also to be sure it's not too warm. Warmer water holds less oxygen. The first symptom of an overheated tank is often the fish having difficulty breathing. Water clarifiers can be useful, but I wouldn't use one too often. Nearly all water clarity issues will resolve on their own with patience. It may take a few days to a week or two, but most water clarity issues resolve on their own.

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Thanks for the help. I wont be adding any more of that Accuclear. Learned my lesson. Lol. Trial and error I suppose being new to this. I heard about air stones but I wasn't sure if I needed them. I have none currently but I just did some research and found a decent one on Amazon that I ordered. Hopefully it works . I feel so bad that my lil guys are suffering. 😞

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