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  1. Hi Fish Nerms! This is a true Nermy question. I want to create an aquarium waste water reuse/collection system. I hate waste of water and and want to maximize fish poo for plants so I would like the collective experience of fellow Nerms on this issue. If you have a system that pumps Waste RO or water changes outside somehow please share in concept with me how you do it. I would love to hear it. many thanks Tedrock
  2. At least, according to my Croton. With all the changes I've been making, all of my houseplants have been getting only detritus-rich water from fish tanks. They're all happy, but apparently my Croton decided to take it a step further. It's blooming! Never done that before, and I've had this plant for YEARS. Check it out! Anyone else have houseplants that are absolutely flourishing because of a steady diet of fish poop water?
  3. Does anyone know if “industrial water” is safe for aquarium fish? This is the kind of water you get in Biology labs and I was wondering if it would be safe to use for an aquarium since there are only Deionized water and Industrial water in the room. I am leaning towards a heavy no, and I don’t have any water test kits (my main concern is heavy metals) in which case, I would just use use DI water and remineralize it with something like wonder shell. What do you think?
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