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  1. so sad they made glo cories and pristella tetras, so sad : ( man i despise glo fish, illegal company
  2. I am so frustrated, 4 times now Maracyn has ruined my cycle. Each previous I owned it chalking it up to inexperience as I have only been fishkeeping for a year. I was like, ok you must have messed something up, or the beneficial bacteria was not strong enough yet to take a treatment. The first time I lost my Hillstream loach and thought ok we need to do better. The next two I fed on day 3/4 and it caused a spike but I was able to water change through it. Then I had a fuzzy fish at my work tank. I used a full treatment of marcyn and it did not affect the tank, so confidently I thought I had figured it out. Last friday I was so happy I got a dozen CPD's that I have been waiting the better part of a year for. I got them home fed them over the weekend because they looked a little thin. Then this morning I thought, OK the QT tank is well established, lets do the med trio properly. I looked in the tank this evening and I had a CPD swimming vertically. I look around and other ones were having trouble as well. I test for ammonia and it is at 0.5ppm, but my fish are struggling. I changed water and in the process I saw that I have one dead already. It just sucks that I had been waiting for these fish, they are the most expensive I have purchased, and now I get to make the same "mistake" and get to watch them struggle to live. I've changed water twice and have put the Fritz Complete in. I can't think of anything else I should be doing but I'm just frustrated. Right now most of them are sitting on the substrate and at least one of them is doing a death flop as he is struggling. I am pretty sure I will be going with the med duo for now on unless I see something specific.
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