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  1. So for those who have been reading this topic, know that I am trying to cycle my aquarium So i have some questions. But first, what are we even talking about? My tank is a Marineland 20g long tank. I have been doing the cycle for 1 and half months i think now, and i am starting to wonder about these two products. 1. Dr tim's one and only bb. 2. His ammonium chloride. Both are ok products, but whenever I had my ammonia spike, in my 10g tank, link below, I wondered after using those 2 main products for my fishless cycle. Is there a slight chance that the ammonia that is not artifical, but kinda not the number one option, is what caused the spike? My memory fails me of what somebody said about the cycle a while back to me but i am not here to go on and on on my thoughts. What i am here to ask is this. What fish would you add? Why? Because i was thinking of adding a small small bioload. Of fish, and i am mainly thinking a schooling fish. But i do not want to overdue it with my bb, since it can only handle 1.5 ppm ammonia in 24hrs. Since after adding ammonia in 24hrs my ammonia is always .50 ppm, and nitrite is always .50 ppm. So that means it can handle 1.5 ppm ammonia correct? So what fish would you put in there for the start, if you put fish. I am not making a final decsion about the fish and if i want to add them but idk, i am just gathering opinons, and thinking about different ways about going about this. I have live plants btw. Amazon sword. Vallisnaria. Micro sword. Dwarf sag. Anubias hastifolia. But i have a order coming in on Tuesday of more plants from AC. What is your thoughts abut my cycle? My ammonia nitrite always go to 0 within a few days to. So thinking as if i got fish, i would need to do lots wcs. TIA. If this makes sense lol. Oh ya and paremters now. Ammonia .50 ppm. Ph is 7.5. Nitrite is .50 too. Weirdest and longest ammonia spike lol.
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