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  1. Ok so was hoping I could hear other people's views and experiences again. Specifically with seachem flourish excel (Aquarium Co-op has their version, easy carbon? Can't get it in the UK yet though). So I've been reading about Seachem Excel and was considering giving it a go to help inhibit algae (then after hopefully keeping it in check with algae eaters) and give plants a boost to get them well established (not necessarily long term use, I don't want literally zero algae). I know there are opposing opinions on if the product works, if it works how it they say it does, is it safe and is it even what they claim it is (or more specifically, what they claim it isn't) etc. Despite that, it's obviously a good selling product and lots of people swear by it and claim they saw immediate results etc so however it does works it seems worth trying at least. Lots of reports of good results with algae and plant growth even when under dosing and not spot treating. My first concern however is safety, is it safe for my community fish and shrimp and snails? (Specifically neon tetras, endlers, corydoras, otocinclus, honey gouramis, cherry shrimp and nerite snails). They claim it is if you follow the dosing instructions but was hoping to hear people's experiences. Secondly, if it inhibits algae and at higher doses is a disinfectant even - does this mean it would theoretically kill/inhibit bacteria and other microorganisms as well? Obviously it isn't killing off people's nitrifying bacteria or everyone would be reporting crashed cycles, but what about the other good bacteria etc that makes the tasty biofilm for the tanks inhabitants to eat? Anyway thanks for reading if you got this far, hopefully can hear a few people's experiences and knowledge and get a discussion going 🙂
  2. My tank, 1 month ago. I had an outbreak of nasty algae, including black beard algae. I had planted my tank maybe two years before hand, and the algae was now getting out of hand, even though the plants were growing well. I turned to SeaChem Excel, after seeing mixed advice online. In this image, you can see one plant that's covered in blackbeard algae. You can also see a second type of plant, unaffected by the beard algae. Anacharis. This was the plant that had been doing best in my tank, filling it up to a ludicrous extent. Unfortunately, I was about to learn that it doesn't like Excel. My tank just after dosing with Excel. Notice the huge clump of anacharis on the left... A few days later. The algae is mostly gone - but so is the anacharis. It was absolutely nuked. Little bits of have started to grow back, but I decided to plant something else instead. I'm blanking on the name of this plant, though - is anyone able to recognize it? My goal is to grow this plant (as well as the rest of the tank) back up to that prior level of lushness. To help with this, I used up the rest of my fert tablets today, burying them mostly among the new plants but also around the swords I already have. I buried around 15 of the Seachem fert tabs in my 75 gallon tank. I noticed some of the leaves on some of the amazons are starting to yellow - not significantly but I'm wondering if that means I was short on ferts? I've considered CO2 but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I want to see what kind of growth I can get by maximizing fertilizers first. How can I make sure I'm doing that? Thank you for any help. I've had plants a few years but I'm still pretty nooby at plant keeping.
  3. I have Leopard Vallisneria in my 30g tank. When I first put it in they melted but then began to grow back strong and have side shoots. I have since noticed an outbreak of BBA. I tried using H2O2 but it only worked so much. I have now began dosing Excel. I am on my 3rd day only dosing 20ml in my 30 gallon tank. The Leopard Val has now started to melt aggressively. Should I power through and hope the grow back like they have in the past or stop dosing Excel immediately?
  4. I am thinking of buying this product and I have a few questions for people who have used seachem excel or just liquid carbon in general. I've read online and seen many vids about liquid carbon and they all agree it is not a sub for co2 injection. I dose my aquarium with an all in one fert and I put root tabs in the substrate. I am trying to find a alternative to a co2 injection without breaking the bank. People who have used liquid carbon, is there a difference in plant grow once you dose it and how significant is it? Thx
  5. FAQ: Will Seachem Flourish Excel™ kill my Vals or will they adapt over time? – Knowledge Base SEACHEM.ZENDESK.COM We had received reports from several hobbyists who said that they had seen Vallisneria melt when Flourish Excel™ was used with them. We also had reports of them thriving with Flourish Excel™. Bec... As I stare at my bba covered plants/rocks/driftwood and then glance over at my relatively healthy vals, I weigh the risks. Keep the vals safe and watch the crypts slowly die out, or dose the liquid carbon and risk killing my precious vals. After reading this, I think I'm going for it. Good luck, Vals.
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