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  1. I’ve had a 29 gallon tank that I first bought for a grow out tank for Jack Dempsey cichlid babies. Then when they finally moved out, it became a plant holding tank, then got a temporary crew of bronze cories, then plant holding, and now it is evolving into a pea puffer tank. My shoal of puffers seems a bit crowded in my 20 long, so they will get an upgrade to 29 gallons. It’s the same footprint as the 20 gallon long but is 50% taller and of course, almost 50% more volume/territory. It’s got plenty of growing out to do and after the substrate settles, I’ll be adding some tall Anubias hastifolia, some big A. barteris, and a couple good sized A. nanas. I’ve also got an assortment of Java fern varieties that may go in either long, or short term. The Anubias and Java ferns are all on either wood or rocks so they can be rearranged if needed because, well, pea puffers are jerks. I’ve got some snails stocked in there already since the filter is well seasoned - a mix of bladder snails and red ramshorns. I’ll be adding some Amano shrimp, likely in about 1-2 weeks with the timing depending on the parameters settling so they can get settled in well before I add the puffers (the puffers are used to having Amanos in their current tank). Here’s to hoping for a slightly more peaceful puffer tank overall with more room for them to spread out. First pics (1 & 2) are the worst of the hot mess stage, next is partly cleaned up but with cories (3), next is completely bare and clean - woo hoo! (4), then with the first layer of substrate with pool filter sand margins and a center of heavy clay dirt with some Osmocote sprinkled on top (5), next with a very thin layer of sand over the dirt (6), then driftwood in place and more sand (7), plants in (8), finally with water in right after restarting the filter (9). Nothing quite like getting 3 or so hours into the reset and realizing you don’t have enough black window film to cover the back. 🙄 I still want to put moss on some branches, too, so I’ll need to drain it again for that so I’ll be able to slide it forward on the desk to make it easier to add the window film. I’ve also ordered a different filter (one that will restart without any fiddling with it after water changes or any power outages) and the sponge prefilter will be smaller. I’ve also ordered a better light. I anticipate some Crypt and Val melt, but I’m hoping for some good growth from the swords. The ‘Aflame’ swords have some BBA, but I’ve just treated it with peroxide and will repeat that treatment as necessary until it’s clear. I’ve got loads of red root floaters or frogbit that I can float if needed and the new light will have a controller so I can adjust intensity and timing. Once the Val gets tall, I probably won’t need any floaters, but we’ll see how things evolve. I’ll be adding an ACO sponge, too. Open to any thoughts or suggestions. I wants to get a big “mother” Amazon sword like I put in my 75 gallon, but couldn’t find one. Depending on how the Val does, I may entertain putting one there. Current plant list: Vallisneria americana (Jungle Val) back right, trimmed since I just got it yesterday. Echinodorus cordifolia (Radican Sword) back left that got a little dry in transit yesterday, some small E. ‘Aflame’ swords center right in front of the wood, plus a single baby sword just in front of the left side of the wood, that should be a ‘Red Flame’ but I can’t remember for sure. 😆 Helanthium tenellum (Pigmy Chain Sword) center front Cryptocoryne axelrodii right front and Crypt. balansae just left of the ‘Aflame’ sword Epipremnum aureus (Pothos) top left I’m still debating adding some Echinodorus vesuvius between the sponge filter and the wood. I’ve got loads of that but the leaves are so skinny and crisp they don’t really create much hiding effect and the peas don’t seem to like going into them. I’m just thinking it will soften the effect of that giant prefilter sponge!
  2. Hello fam, If this is an existing discussion, please re-direct. Much appreciated. I have a 10-gal planted tank that recently underwent unsuccessful treatment for diseases (most likely parasites). This tank has been running for 1 year, used to have guppies, ghost shrimp, and white cloud (thankfully most guppies were re-located long before ... still have ramhorn snails). I lost the last of my white clouds today and was wondering what would the proper procedure for "treating" or "resetting" the tank for future stocking ? I prefer not to have to dump everything out and start over. Last time measured: 0 ammonia / 0 nitrite / 10-20 Nitrate / 7.2 pH / 75 F / 11 gH / 6 kH As for the reason of death, I'd guess it's parasite because all the white clouds were (a) slowly losing significant weight overtime, (b) strongly go for food but typically spit out food, and (c) a few has white protrusion at their anal fin. I had tried 2 rounds of treatment using both ParaCleanse and Maracyn following Aquairum Co-Op guideline. I fed my fishes a variety of food (Extreme flake, Nano pellet, frozen brine/bloodworm/cyclops, etc.) but they typically wouldn't be able to swallow. I'd really appreciate any input ~ Regards,
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