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  1. Greetings! I am new in the hobby - I was looking for something to distract me from my chronic disease and reduce my anxiety. Turns out that now I have one more thing to be anxious about... my fish! Ask Candi if you have any doubts! (I did become a member as a way to say thank you for her patience). I love water, I used to scuba dive, my favorite animal has always been the orca - so aquarium are just a pure joy for me. It’s a bit complicated as I am immunosuppressed and must avoid any contact with fish water (poop = risk of salmonella) but I still manage to enjoy keeping them (with my oversized rubbed gloves that go all the way up to my shoulders). I don’t know anyone locally that enjoy or keep fish, so I am looking forward to make friends here to talk about fish. I currently have a 20 gallons high with 9 white cloud minnow and 3 dwarf mexicain crayfish (cpo). I have a 10 gallons cycling too - for guppies or platies, I can’t quite make up my mind yet! All with plastic plants because... I don’t like plants. Please don’t ban me! Hehe. Now I know Cory will never ever speak to me! Plants don’t like me either - I was attacked by my dead cactus... I have yet to fully recover 🤪 My next dream aquarium would be a 40 gallons breeder. Planted this time, with a bunch of false julii cory, 4 honey gourami, 1 apisto and 1 bolivian ram. And a schooling fish that I have yet to figure out (maybe green or black neon tetra?) I live in Québec, Canada, which means I can’t order anything from Aquarium Co-op and it makes me very, very sad. Even more annoying because Cory is such a good seller (x-treme food anyone?). And the stickers... 😍 It also means we do not have access to fish medication here. If you want to be able to give something to your fish, it must be prescribed by a vet. I kid you not. I have a hard time thinking that bringing my fish in a ziploc bag at the vet is yet the best way to go to treat him but... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Here are few pictures. Please no hate for the plastic plants, someone ranted 4 days straight about it on FB already. Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone and thanks Cory for creating this platform. I'm new to fish keeping, I've started my first tank 3 months ago and I've just finished aquascaping my third one last week. I really enjoy this hobby so far and I'm already thinking about getting another tank soon. In my first tank (Fluval Vista 23 gallons) I had 2 Paradise Gourami, 3 Blue eyes Rainbowfish and 3 Otos. Unfortunately, the 2 Gourami had a disease and they passed away earlier this month. I only have 1 Blue eyes rainbowfish and 2 Otos left. I might restock the tank with either a couple of Apisto or a couple of Ram and probably add more rainbow if I'm able to find some (They are pretty rare in Quebec right now) My second tank is the Fluval Flex 15 gallons. It is stock with 4 Guppies and 6 Rummy nose Tetra. Fluval Flex 15g_edit.mp4 And this is my latest tank it's only a 10 gallons and I'm planning to add 2 Pea Puffer once the cycle will be completed.
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