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  1. Hi everyone. Nearing completion of my 20g long planted tank (I THINK). I set it up a month ago or so, have a good amount of plants in there, added dr Tim’s one and only at the start, as well as his ammonium chloride. So the ammonia went up, then nitrite went up all the way to 4 ppm. Then dropped. And the ammonia dropped. And they were both 0 for a week, so yesterday morning I added ammonia, today ammonia and nitrite are at this. Ammonia: .50 ppm. Nitrite: .25 or a lil less ppm. Nitrates, 10 ppm. Ph is 7.5 ppm. So this is what I think I am supposed to do. Add ammonia if both ammonia and nitrite go down within 24 hours, then it is cycled. Am I right? Or totally wrong. Idk, that is what I did for my other tank that is thriving now. My question, since ammonia and nitrite did NOT drop in 24hrs do I add more ammonia tomorrow? What would I do? Am I close to being done? Or not? TIA 🙂
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