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  1. What to do, what to do. I got some guppies in a trade, 3 males and two females. One of the females died during transport (stupid USPS had the box for 2 weeks! Should have been 2 days. I'm shocked anything survived.) I've got everyone recovering now, but holy heck, look at the bent spine on the surviving female! Of course the female that died looked great with no deformities. The one that survived probably needs to be put down anyway. (Long story as far as how I got them, basically these were the only females available, not the sender's fault. I'd rather not play the blame game atm.) Just feeling super grouchy that I can't really use these to breed now. Everyone agrees that I have to cull that female, right? Ugh I'm so irritated after all the issues with USPS that I just want to take the rest of them (3 males) to the LFS and move on with my life. If the female is that messed up, I'm not confident about the male bloodlines either. Thoughts? (Seeking some pity here lol) What would you guys do with the males? I'd rather start from scratch and invest in a quality bloodline (I'm a cheap goober and that's why I got into this in the first place lol) I have NEVER seen a spine that messed up!
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