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  1. New roomates for the african butterfly fish have arrived. A group of 6 mudfish by far the craziest and most intriguing fish ive ever seen in person. The reaction from my wife, despite knowing they were coming, was as you would expect when I opened a box containing what can only be adequatly described as a bag of 6" jumping dinosaurs at our telework desks. . Not the best photo in the water but we will get plenty more to post in the coming years. I can only imagine what the first feeding will be like once they get all settled.
  2. The plan is a 50 gallon for the mudfish group that checks the block for well seasoned tank time. Currently holds my african butterfly colony of 6 , mixed genders, and soon to be spawning pair of molwie kribensis. Would you move the molawie to a smaller tank and make it a straight african congo oddball breeding set up? Or keep it an african tank with all three. I believe the molawie are keepimg the butterfly fish from reproducing due to their "intensity"
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