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  1. I've been using the Aquarium co-op test strips and they are so easy to use that I've been getting low on them and decided to try the API Master test kit, it was on sale. I used the API kit and the only test that gave me pause was the Ph results, the Co-op test strips said I had 6.4-6.8 Ph But the master test kit says I have a Ph of 7.6 there was no green in that blue vial, so really concerned. I had a digital Ph tester that I have only used a couple of times it's a pain to use but it gave a Ph reading of 7.04... which one do I trust? I have noticed the test strip colors tend to run and so I will use 2 or more strips at a time to figure out a consistent reading but these numbers seem way off from each other. Co-op Ph 6.4-6.8 API Ph 7.6 Digital Ph 7.04 I
  2. Is that 7 or 7.2 ? Gh at 5 KH at 4 TDS 167 from RO water with equilibrium
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