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  1. Hello Friends, I have 3 Peacock Gudgeons that range in size. One female is fairly large and I believe she's close to sexual maturity. I have another female that is slightly smaller. The smallest is a male which I can tell by the way his head is shaped. However, he has not yet developed his nuchal hump. This morning I didn't see any of the fish in the tank. I busted out the flashlight and searched. Finally, I noticed my smaller female. Still no sign of the other two. I figured they were hiding. Later after work, I topped off the water and they still didn't emerge. I finally decided to bust out the blood worms because I know they can't resist. Still, no sign of the other two. Here's my question: could the male be old enough to breed even though he hasn't developed his nuchal hump? The tank is fully cycled (0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 5ppm Nitrates). There is a space at the top that is about 2x4 inch for the HOB filter. No sign of them on the floor around the tank, no bodies on the substrate. My last concern is one of my cats when fishing through the filter hole. Not sure if there's somewhere they are hiding that I'm unaware of, but I'm really going to be sad if they're gone. Final photo is of Susan, the smaller female. She's acting like she owns the tank now. 😔
  2. Hello Friends! I need some help with my 3 Peacock Gudgeons (1M, 2F, all juveniles) that I recently bought. These little guys are gorgeous but they are absolute terrorists in my 20g fully planted, fully cycled tank. They're picking on my male betta so bad he's hiding and they even pick on my Otocinclus catfish. Nobody is safe. I lovingly refer to them as my terrorist fish. I had to move them out of my 20g and into their own 10g. I'm surprised by their behavior because they're supposed to be "peaceful community fish". Now the 10g will only be for them. I wanted to put some cleaner fish with them, but they're so freaking mean that I don't think that I can put anyone in there. Anyone else have this experience? What should I do? Would Nerite snails or Shrimp be better? I feel like if they can't get along with Otocinclus, some of the most peaceful fish I've ever had the pleasure of parenting, they won't get along with anyone. Thoughts? Have you ever experienced aggressive behavior from your Peacocks? In case you're wondering about the parameters of the 20g: Temp: 77 to 77.5 F; PH 7.4 - stable; Ammonia 0; Nitrites 0; Nitrates 0; GH 60ppm; KH 20ppm; TDS 381. ❤️Rosi
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