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  1. I bought 10 shrimp about 6 months ago wanting to start a colony. Now there are around 100 and I am ready to move some of them to my office tank 35 miles away. I've made sure the water is the same (ro with salty shrimp) . I have never "netted" shrimp before. Is there anything special to look out for or do I just scoop them up and move them like fish?
  2. I'm planning on the big tank move tonight or this weekend. I have the temperature matched between them (verified by the same thermometer) and I filled the new take the same way i do my water changes so it should be the same as "fresh" water change water. I'm sure my guppies will be fine, but I have adult shrimp (blue dream neo's) too. Should I just move them? or should I try and acclimate them somehow?
  3. I want to move RCS from 10 to 20 Gallon. When I was cleaning the tank, I just saw about 8253 tiny (teeny-tiny) babies in the 10 Gal tank. What is the best way to move them and minimize losses?
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