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  1. I have poor eyesight aging makes it worse. I use my phone on full 5x magnification to see tiny fry anymore. That is getting to be not enough. I have purchased several from Amazon that say 10x. They are all either distorted, foggy/blurry acrylic or get moisture between the lens from humidity. Can anyone recommend a good one higher than or at least equivalent to my iPhone 12 5x magnification as the phone is PITA to watch fast fry. Preferable glass so it does not get the foggy acrylic look. Edit to add handheld please. I appreciate your recommendations! Thank you in advance.
  2. I usually keep what I call a 'Junk Tank'. I don't quarantine my fish, so maybe if I had a quarantine tank it would be the Junk Tank. These reason for a Junk Tank is have a place to dump things that need to stay wet. In mine I have: plants I never got around to planting spare snails extra mulm Apistogramma eggs I have a pair of Apistogramma nijsenni in a crowded 40 gallon breeder (with no filter and rare water changes for the 'how many filters do I need in X gallons crowd') that spawn relentlessly. Of course the fry don't make because they get eaten by the all the swordtails, zebra danios, sparking gouramis, and guppies. But on a whim I dropped the breeding coconut shell where mom always lays her eggs in the Junk Tank. Problem was I couldn't see them. I think I may have solved the problem with this thing, the 'Flipper', which is a magnifying glass with a double magnet on it. Here is what it looks like looking through the Flipper. I can now see the little red eggs.
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