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  1. I’ve got a Fluval U2 internal filter in my 15g tank. I just did a water change, but when I switched the filter back on it’s not starting. I can order a new filter, but it may take up to a week to arrive. The filter is nearly a year old, so will the tank be alright until the new one arrives? The tank is heavily planted and, other than the betta I added a few weeks ago, all the fish have been in there for at least a year.
  2. Just wanting some input on this, as I had trouble finding contents posted by the Co-Op specifically on this equipment type. Not sure if the Ziss Bubble Filter counts, but I was thinking something more similar to this (just as a reference): https://fluvalaquatics.com/us/u-series/ https://www.amazon.com/Sicce-SIC113-Filtration/dp/B007GCFYW4 Are they not talked much about because many of them have quality defects or user-friendly issues? Or is it in the Co-Op's opinion that sponge/HOB filters simply perform better? I like my HOB because it takes little tank space, but it sometimes makes a lot of noise by vibrating against the glass or creating a waterfall when water level drops. That's how I became curious on internal power filters, but I don't want to waste money...
  3. Hey, My 40 gallon community tank is a bit cloudy. It is currently being run by a sponge filter. I was wondering if I run the filter below and the spongefilter if it will fix my problem, or is it a good filter? I wanted to get the AquaClear HOB but it won't fit in my lid and, I don't wanna cut holes in it. So I thought a internal filter would be the way to go. Here is the filter I'm talking about: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07YDK9HC3/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AR7YVDDR7QAFR&psc=1 Also would the ziss bio filter work? My Stocking is: -Angelfish x3 -Zebra Danios x6 -Cardinal Tetras x5 -Bristlenose Pleco -Upside down catfish x2 My water parameters are: Nirates 25ppm Nitrites and Amonia 0
  4. So far, I am NOT a fan of this internal filter (Fluval U1.) But it was free, and that's a pretty good price. I want to use it more like a powerhead, just to add some extra flow in a certain area of the tank. I have it "hot-rodded" with sponge and a handful of biomedia, but it can't even go 1 week without becoming so clogged that the flow stops almost entirely; tbh, I'm surprised the motor hasn't burnt out. I don't think my tank is really that dirty; maybe the sponge is too fine? (But again, the sponge was free in my "box of random aquarium stuff.") I might also try placing a thin layer of sponge along the sides instead of piling it in like a HOB; the flow is designed to come in from the side, so maybe that will fix it. To use this for flow only, I think I will still need a sponge to prevent debris and obnoxious tiny snails from getting into the impeller. Aside from making the sponge thinner, is there anything else I can do to alleviate the problem? Do you think I'd be better off with polyester floss? I have the same issue with my HOB's intake sponge, just gets clogged up so easily. I might be overcomplicating this; I think I just needed to type it out and bounce some ideas off of people. I'm also curious if anyone has had similar issues with internal filters? I have rarely heard anyone say anything good about them. Imagine a bag of biomedia on the top here:
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