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  1. After two months of quarantining in a 10G and treat initially with the Co-Op's trio, I finally moved my Red-Eyed Tetras and three Panda Cories into my 80G (first crew, apart from an Otto and Amono Shrimp). THEN, this morning, I went to turn on the lights for the 10G only to see white, worm-like things swimming in the water column. I was really disappointed that after two months of quarantining the fish may have had worms all along. 😔 I managed to use a pipette to extract two of these white "worms" (see image below). I decided to see what a small amount of Expel-P would do and so I decided to treat the tiny measuring cup. Almost instantly the two "worms" disintegrated into brown pulps (see images below). 🤯 This leads to a two to questions for the Forum: 1) How likely is the possibility of these white, worm-like things to be parasitic worms?🪱 2) Expel-P seems to have been highly effective in dealing with these things, therefore, should I assume the Tetras and Cories may be infected and treat the 80G with Expel-P? Unfortunately, the 80G is a tall, cylindrical aquarium so netting the fish out would be really difficult and stressful (for my sanity and the fish, too); I would rather pay for more Expel-P. 😅 I had a video to show the things moving about, but I was unable to add to this Forum. Other suggestions are welcome.
  2. Wanted to share my experience using Expel-P to treat for Camallanus. This is only my experience and it is very limited to this one time use with very few fish exposed to the product, but I thought some people might be interested to know the outcome. I recently bought an adult male long-fin BN Pleco from a large on-line retailer. He arrived ok, but with fin-rot and a lot of ammonia in the shipping bag. I quarantined in a tub (quarantine tank temporarily in use to grow out a group of Angelfish) with a cycled filter and heater. I used ParaCleanse & Maracyn during quarantine. Pleco did well in quarantine. I moved him to my 90 gallon planted low-tech aquascape containing 3 Corydoras, 1 half-dollar sized Angelfish and a small handful of pond snails. Two hours after I turned him loose in the tank I stopped to look at him on the glass. That's when I saw something red protruding from his vent. I picked up my reading glasses and identified what appeared to me to be Camallanus. I ordered Excel-P and kept confirming the presence of the parasite in the vent over the few days it took for the de-wormer to arrive. I left him in the tank and treated the entire 90 gallons. I followed the instructions on the box for the 1 dose and the parasite was gone from the Pleco's vent when I observed him on the glass the next day after treatment and I performed the water change per instructions. Other tank mates were normal and active. Unfortunately, all the pond snails lived (drats). I don't keep shrimp. Instructions say to treat an additional time a week later. I did not do this because I wanted to see if they will show up again. I'm 2 weeks out from treatment and I've not observed any Camallanus so far on the Pleco or the Angelfish (I can't see the vents on the Corydoras to say one way or the other), but all fish and snails continue to appear well.
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