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  1. Hello all, back with another topic and question. I started my 20g long tank cycle yesterday. I used the whole bottle of dr Tim’s one and only, and dr Tim’s ammonium chloride. I did 1 drop per gallon which for a 20g equals 20 drops. I know that the bottle now says 4 drops per gallon, but reading several things on the internet has brought me to believe that 4 drops is extreme. But is it? I tested paremeters this morning and these were my current levels. Ammonia: .25 or less ppm. nitrite: 0 ppm. Ph was 7.5 and stable. Yes it’s day two, I am not trying to jump to conclusions but what is y’all’s opinion? 4 drops per gallon too much? 1 drop per g? I am just wondering. I was thinking that maybe since a 20g would have more ammonia with more fish to work with that I should dose 4 drops per gallon during the cycle, so it will be ready to handle more fish. I am just getting opinions, TIA 🙂
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