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  1. Please please help me you brilliant all knowing fish experts. I set up my new tank 4 months ago. I knew nothing about "cycling" your tank. That was the first and only time my eater has been clear. I have watched numerous videos and read multiple articles what a tank requires and my water is still cloudy. I have used multiple different products (not all at the same time) to get the water in my tank happy. I've even let it be for a month to see if that would cause a water correction. I have a mechanical filter with floss filter, the round ceramic filters, charcoal filters. I've allowed for the filter to get gross to help the cycle....... I test everyday because I am afraid for my fish's health and wellbeing because my water is constantly cloudy. All of the tests have been in the normal parameters except I have never seen a change in the nitrate level. My fish eats like a champ and appears healthy. I do not overfeeding. I feed Goomba 1 pellet at a time so that's not an issue. I am at my wits end. I want to enjoy a clear beautiful tank were I can see my Goomba swimming around happily. I feel I have tried everything. Please help me. Thank you all 😊
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