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  1. I'm already having a lot of fun setting up my first container pond! Inspired by Cory's videos on summer tubbing, Ryo Watanabe's ricefish mini-ponds, all the aquatic plants I've discovered growing in my neighborhood's ditches, and my local nature preserve's containers for exhibiting rice plants, I've had a year long obsession with setting something up on the deck this spring. I thought I'd start a journal on here to track my progress and provide fodder for discussion and learning 🙂 Materials: -35 gallon Beckett pond liner -Aquascape Container Water Garden Filter for Patio Ponds and Small Aquatic Gardens -0.5 cu. ft. Bagged Pea Gravel Pebbles for pond bottom -4 square pond planter baskets filled with 4 inch deep safe-t-sorb -Osmocote plus fertilizer balls for gravel fertilization -easy green liquid fertilizer for water column fertilization -fluval cycle biological starter supplement I initially set the pond up on march 13th 2021, adding the gravel, filter, dechlorinated tap water and a few buckets of aquarium tank water from the day's water change. On March 23, I rinsed a bag of safe-t-sorb and filled up the planting baskets. I soaked these overnight in a tub filled with 3X dechlorinated water and later added about a 10X dose of easy green. I wanted to make sure any absorbed chlorine was fully neutralized and also charge up the substrate with beneficial nutrients. The following day I placed 2 of these pots on the floor of the pond, and 2 on the 'shelves' of the pond. The upper pots get bog/transitional plants, and the submerged pots I am adding stem plants that will hopefully end up growing up out of the pond as emersed plants. Plants used for upper pots: -Hyptis lorentziana -Persicaria glabra -Brazilian pennywort Plants used for submerged pots: -locally foraged Ludwigia palustris -Ludwigia brevipes -Ludwigia glandulosa -Ludwigia ovalis green -Bacopa carolinia 'colorata' Plants used for pond floor: -Vallisneria Tiger (foraged in Florida) -Vallisneria Red (foraged in Florida) -Dwarf sagittaria -Chain sword -banana plant And....Floating plants: -water lettuce -red root floaters Day 1 Day 11 post-planting Day 12 switched upper pot locations
  2. Hey there, I'm Charles and live in Charleston, SC. I was big into fish tanks when I was younger but haven't kept a hobby tank since I left for college (20 years ago 😞). After moving around the country for school and graduate training, our family has finally settled down (relatively) and we've recently become first time homeowners. Naturally, I felt it time to finally get a tank going again! I started up a 5 gallon Fluval Spec a week ago "for my toddler" and am loving getting back into things. There's been a fair amount of change since I left, and I'm happy to see all the options for planted tanks available. The internet has really made things more educated and available. Having spent a few late nights binging on youtube videos, I realized Cory and the Co-Op seemed like a trustworthy resource for info and products, so I purchased some hardscape and plants and clumsily put the tank together the other night. Fingers crossed!
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