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  1. Two days ago my heater went out at night. It was a digital hygger brand one. It was saying it was out of the water when it was not. Anyways, i noticed this immediately when i woke up. I checked the temperature and it was 82. Not bad since I usually keep it at 84. i couldnt do anything right then and there because of work and being 5am no store was open. So i waited until i got off of work to buy a heater. By then the temperature had gotten down to 78. Now my question is. Is the 6 degrees in temp drop enough to cause ich to fish? Today i checked them and quite a few of them have it. Treatment has started. But i find it so wild that about 10 hours of a slow temp drop causes so much damage. Since when i bought them they were kept at around 76-78 Is that what caused my ich out break or could it be something els?
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