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  1. I am looking to add some algae friends to my tanks. I'm looking for peaceful and small types. I found some dwarf otos but I have questions. Substrate: I continuously read about how sharp substrate can hurt them. One tank has gravel and another has eco-complete. Will these substrates hurt them? This is my main concern. Secondly, my water parameters. Cory's can adapt but don't eat algae from what I have read. I'm going to use my highest norms from established tanks. pH up to 8.2, Nitrate 20, dGH up to 14, dKH up to 8-9. Temp, I wont go lower than 72 degrees. What options do I have and is the substrate ok?
  2. Out of curiosity . . . is anyone on this forum keeping / breeding goodeids? We just got 8x Xenotoca doadrioi this weekend from a breeder in our fish club. They were originally collected in the Etzatlan region, Ameca / Magdelana basin and imported by the North American Goodeid Working Group for a convention back in 2014. They're a CARES priority list species. Kept at indoor room temperature - no heater. They like foods with greens in, but will eat just about everything. The males are very brightly colored. Greg Sage over at Select Aquatics has done a lot with these. It's hard to keep in stock though, because demand can quickly drain a breeder's supply. Females, it is reported, generally only drop 5-20 fry every 60 days.
  3. Any locals (Puget Sound area) interested in these guys? They’re similar to Kribs in almost all regards (care requirements, size, etc.) but prettier (IMHO) especially when they’re getting ready to breed. The females turn a gorgeous, true purple. They do seem to prefer a cooler tank, mine stay around 74-76, any warmer and they won’t spawn. The spawning also appears to be cyclical/seasonal. I have also noted that they like to redecorate the tank, namely by moving or chomping plants that they deem not feng shui, so don’t put them in your prized planted tank or you’ll likely regret it. I’ve got Val, anubias, and bolbitis in their tank currently and they all do fine. You’ll notice the theme with the plants though… hardy stuff only! Anyhow, my OG pair spawned almost a year ago (ish?) and I’ve been growing the babies out since… rough guesstimate of about 12-18ish of them. They’re not quite mature yet but have colored up and can easily distinguish male/female. They’re starting to get feisty amongst each other so time for them to go to new homes… can do pairs (not guaranteed but by observation only!) or a group. If no interest will sell/donate to the club. Thanks y’all! Any questions welcome.
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