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  1. My aquarium stand isn't ideal at all, and I'd love to cover the front up with something pretty, or build something onto it like doors. Wishful thinking but also a shelf inside if it's possible. It's metal, so how would it work to use hinges for doors? What kind of creative setups do you have? I'd have loved an enclosed stand but this was a gift and I didn't think it through before setting things up. Show me your stand set ups, and throw me some ideas!
  2. So I have been collecting second hand tanks for cheap or free from marketplace. I currently have three 15 gallon, four 7.5 gallon and two 5 gallon tanks all empty and waiting for me to buy a new shed to become my fish room. As I'm not sure when I'm going to be getting it I was wondering if there's any particular way of storing dry tanks that protects the seals etc? Like can the silicone dry out? Is it better to store them with water inside? Should I wrap them in something? Does anyone have any experience with storing empty tanks? Thanks in advance!
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