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  1. Set up the last piece of our little fishroom here this week: a 33 gal long. Also (hat trick for MTS) have 2x 5.5 gal tanks tucked in the cabinet underneath. It’s got 3x sponge filters, a small mini pond pump to move water across the long space. It is planted right now with Ludwigia Repens, rotalla indica, and Java moss. Eco complete substrate. 3x bristlenose Plecos. I can’t decide how to stock it. I like breeding fish a whole lot! There’s already golden white clouds in one of the 5.5 gals underneath. I’d feel fine running this warm or cool. But I’m not terribly into mere display / community tanks.... everything always leans toward breeding. Im already breeding Redtail Goodeids (Xenotoca Doadrioi) and Emerald killifish (Fundulopanchax Scheeli) — and could imagine the tank utterly swarming with either species as a colony. Someday... I’d like to try a huge Apistogramma Cacatuoides super red colony in here, but everything is wrong for that just now. My favorite sorts of fish include (1) Dwarf Cichlids (2) Hydrophlox Shiners (3) Discus. I’m already loaded with Electric Blue Acaras, doing a separate project with German Blue Rams, and worn out with Dwarf Gouramis, Angelfish, and Corydoras. I’ve done a lot of tetras... not terribly excited about them right now. Tried and failed a few times recently with Bettas, so they’re out. Alright. I’m going to mow my cicadas / lawn and do some outside work now. What say you? How should I stock this tank??
  2. I have one female juvenile guppy that managed to survived my tank reno. I removed gravel substrate and replaced it with Eco-complete and Fluval stratum for planted tank. I added driftwood and plants (will continue to add as I find healthy specimens of anubias, crypts, fava fern and/or amazon sword). I cycled it so and it's now ready to add fish! So I'm looking for stocking suggestions and/or feedback on the following: Shrimp (6ish?) - Amano or RCS not sure yet Corydoras (6) Guppies (10ish?) Aaaand a bright, flashy schooling fish... Cardinals? Rasboras? I've had good luck with Serpae tetras but worry about fin-nipping with guppies. Today I'm thinking of adding the 6 corys and a male guppy. I don't want to increase bio-load too quickly.
  3. Just setup a 33 Gallon, going to let it cycle and then add fish (duh!). Has live plants. Wondering if my stocking plans are okay -Angelfish x2 -Electric Blue Acara -Cardinal Tetra x12 (if too much then how much should I do?) - Apistogramma Cacatuoides -Panda Garra -Black Venezualan Corydora x5 -Female Swordtail -Bristlenose pleco -and snails If this is too much tell me what fish to get rid of.
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