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Posts posted by Danabana

  1. On 2/7/2022 at 1:31 PM, laritheloud said:

    I'm personally not a fan of aquariumscience.org for many, many reasons, but there's a lot of information out there about dwarf gourami iridovirus and how prevalent/virulent it is. I'm so sorry that it seems like he succumbed to the virus. 😞 I was really worried that was the case. Please know there was nothing you really could have done even with meds -- it's not your fault at all.

    The swordtail may have passed of unrelated cause but it's good to cover your bases as @Colu suggested. I'd be hesitant to add more gouramis to the tank for awhile after a presumptive case of DGIV. It's so sad what selective line breeding has done to this beautiful fish...

    If you do decide to try gouramis again in the distant future, I want to steer you towards hardier species. Trichogaster Labiosa (thick-lipped gouramis) are absolutely delightful, grow to about the same size as dwarf gouramis, and they are hardy and healthy. Honey Gouramis are super peaceful and smaller. Croaking Gouramis and Sparkling Gouramis are some more options. For bigger "peaceful" gouramis, try Pearl Gouramis.

    Please take care and I hope the rest of your tank survives with no more problems.

    I guess I'm just shocked how quickly he went down hill from the time I could see something wrong with him.  But reading about dwarf gourami iridovirus, it makes more sense. 

    I will try having gouramis again when the time is right.  I appreciate the list of ones to explore getting...it's very helpful.  Thanks 

  2. On 2/7/2022 at 11:54 AM, Colu said:

    The fact he died not long after showing symptoms it could have been dawrf gourami lridovirus if that's the case I wouldn't add any gourami's to that tank in the future and disinfect any nets or other equipment with a  3% hydrogen peroxide solution

    Can that virus still be in the tank?  Is that why I shouldn't add anymore gourami back in that tank?

  3. On 2/6/2022 at 10:53 PM, Colu said:

    Mix well a small amount feed twice a day for 7 days 

    Do I feed just big blue the medicated food or all the fish in the tank?  I appreciate your help.  

  4. On 2/6/2022 at 10:37 PM, Colu said:

    I must have missed that if her other fish are showing symptoms then it's more than likely a bacterial infection in that case I would treat with kanaplex or maracyn in food 

    How do you mix it with the food?  I've only treated ich direly in the water.  

  5. On 2/6/2022 at 8:28 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Aww. I'm so sorry. Put your seatbelt on, it sounds like it's going to get bumpy in that tank and brace yourself for some losses. 

    I think you are right.  The swordtail caught me completely off guard. 

    • Sad 1
  6. On 2/6/2022 at 8:21 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Ugh. Salt that tank if you haven't already. 😞 

    I had put salt in the tank.  The male swordtail kept nudging her ...very sad. I'm feeling worse now 😞

  7. On 2/6/2022 at 7:55 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Absolutely that's a good way to do it. Usually in my case I have small QTs so I just do a huge water change and use a piece of Polyfilter to soak up the rest. 

    Update on my tank...I just lost my female swordtail. She didn't appear to be bloated but it appears like a danio is showing signs of bloating.  Big blue seems worse too.  ☹️

  8. On 2/6/2022 at 7:08 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    It's an antibiotic containing kanamycin. It is very effective in treatment of bacterial infection, like columnaris (a scary one) also fungal. There have been times I had no idea exactly what was going on but Kanaplex fixed it. Can be used in the water column and use it to medicate food. It's just a good all-around to have. 

    I will definitely order some to have on hand.  If you try one med and it doesn't seem to help do you just put carbon in filter to remove it before trying a different med?

  9. On 2/6/2022 at 6:30 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    I do. We all have different philosophies on it- a lot of people here of course do use the med trio being Co-op fans. Personally I just QT and observe. I don't use medication unless it's needed. My QT fish stay a minimum 4 weeks and up to 6 if healthy. If I need to treat them I keep them in QT at least 2-3 weeks AFTER all signs of illness had gone and if I don't trust it, longer. 

    When you get a chance I'd recommend adding Seachem Kanaplex to your med box (and an Ich med like Ich X). Kanaplex has saved my a.... um behind many times. 

    😂...you made me laugh.  Behind was cute way to put it.  I do have ich X on hand.  Kanaplex...I'm not familiar with it.  What do you use it for? 

  10. On 2/6/2022 at 6:10 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Don't beat yourself up over the meds. One of the things in this hobby even when you are prepared is that there are some hard lessons learned- but trust me once you make a certain mistake you will NEVER do it again. I realize in some cases that's little comfort- say in the case that fish die because of it- but it is in HONOR of those fish that you strive to be a better fish keeper. At least that's how I look at it. 

    I think the salt will be one of the better treatments anyway- though it would be nice to have another option. What meds do you have coming? I'm not sure we've talked about that. 

    I ordered para cleanse and mardel maracyn ....I was planning to try the trio of meds suggested on co op on my quarantined fish.  Do you quarantine new fish?

  11. On 2/6/2022 at 5:01 PM, laritheloud said:

    The timeline is right -- I assume this all started showing up recently. I'm so sorry! I completely understand how special these fish are. 😭 My thicklipped gouramis are like that for me. So sweet, so interactive. I love their little feelers and how they come to say hello to me at the front of the tank every morning and beg for food.

    It isn't hopeless but it can be really challenging to turn a fish around sometimes, even for people with a well-equipped fish medicine cabinet. I've heard (don't quote me) that it's a sign of kidney failure to get this kind of bloating and fluid buildup. It's good to be prepared, but don't give up hope. If he's still eating, I would try feeding him medication to get that in him and working on him ASAP. He doesn't appear to be pineconing yet and that's a good sign. He hasn't ruptured or developed any sores, which is something to watch for in the coming days.

    You're doing all you can for him and fish illness can sometimes be very difficult to treat. Give him comfort, love, and safe, clean water, and observe him while you wait to get your hands on meds. I'm hoping for the best.

    Thanks for your encouraging words and help.  I feel foolish that I was unaware of meds to keep on hand for my fish friends.  🐟🐡🐌

  12. On 2/6/2022 at 4:39 PM, laritheloud said:

    You have a powder blue dwarf gourami and he looks like a bloated male. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! It's always sad to see a fish suffer under your care. I want to start out by saying this is likely nothing at all that you have done wrong. Dwarf Gouramis tend to be a little genetically weak and prone to illness these days, which is really sad and rarely (if ever) the fault of the fishkeeper.

    @xXInkedPhoenixX has given you excellent treatment advice. He looks to be suffering with an internal infection. Depending on the illness your dwarf gourami is suffering from, it's really a 50/50 whether it'll affect your other fish at all. There's a chance it is viral (Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus; if it is iridovirus, he will worsen very quickly, I'm sorry to say), in which case, he is likely the only fish that will be affected. I would attempt to isolate him and treat him on his own first as the other fish may not develop symptoms at all. If you are able to successfully treat him, then I would move on to treating the other fish he lives with.

    I really hope for the best outcome for your beautiful boy. Gouramis of all kinds are some of my favorite fish. When did you purchase him, by the way? Was it recently?

    Thank you for your input.  He was purchased November/December from local chain pet store.  He's special to me and I feel so bad for him.  Is it hard to heal once they get internal infection?

    • Like 1
  13. On 2/6/2022 at 3:53 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    @laritheloud is one of our excellent Gourami keepers she may be able to help us too, if nothing else id'ing what kind of Gourami you have. 😉

    😃 to get rid of tannis in a piece of wood? Nope, just what you are doing. Boiling, dumping, boiling dumping @Streetwise would be rolling over in pain to see that though. Tannins ARE good for your tanks, but I get not all of us are going for that look. If you have indoor or outdoor plants I hope you are using that water on them though- they'll appreciate it. 

    I'm trying not to have that look in my tank but I'm doubting this piece of driftwood will ever stop bleeding tannins.  I'm in western PA ...I'm buried in ice and snow.  No outdoor plants to treat.  😂

    • Haha 2
  14. On 2/6/2022 at 3:41 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Oh yeah our snail friends are derpy and I love them, they just go with the flow. 🐌 Shrimp are more sensitive and yes need hiding places. I've never been able to keep any shrimp alive so I give you kudos for the Bamboo Shrimp, that's a pretty incredible shrimp.

    The bamboo shrimp have been a challenge and unfortunately lost one but the other 2 are doing great.  They hide so much ...wish we would see them more.  I just started using snails in my tanks so I'm still trying to make sure they are taken care of. I have micro spider crabs in my 10 gallon that are fun to watch when you get the opportunity to see them.  That's my next tank to get live plants and driftwood.  I keep boiling this piece of wood...it's still making the water dark red/brown.  Any tricks?  😂

  15. On 2/6/2022 at 3:28 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    If the parameters in the other tanks are as good or better than what they came from I wouldn't have any issues putting them in there as long as the tankmates are compatible. 🙂 

    I will double check the parameters before I move them.  I just need to set up a good hiding spot for the shrimp so they are comfortable with the move.  The snail will be fine with the move.  🤗

  16. On 2/6/2022 at 3:21 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Your invertebrates will still benefit from the plastic plants or other decor if you have to stick them in a new QT as they have the biofilm and bacteria from the tank they came from. 

    Can I put them in another display tank or do I set up QT for 2 shrimp and snail?  I'm lacking another heater for QT tank.  My back up one is being used right now.  

  17. On 2/6/2022 at 3:16 PM, Danabana said:

    Ok...the good thing about this tank is it still has plastic plants.  I started with my small tanks with plants and wood.  Which I can start a whole conversation on that topic...I have a lot going on with my tanks right now.  😆

    By the way, thank you for helping me.  👍🐡🐟💞

  18. On 2/6/2022 at 3:07 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    You didn't necessarily DO anything wrong. As fish keepers we have to run through our minds what if anything has changed in the tank that could have caused it. Maybe it's something you have to search for in the tank, for example with a spike sometimes you have to check for say, dead snails or fish that could cause it. Maybe there's some rotten food. You could be overfeeding. Maybe it needed a water change sooner. It's just something we adapt/adjust to and learn from. 🙂 

    If you're going to treat the whole tank remove your invertebrates they typicaly do NOT get the same kinds of illness as our fish friends can and treatment can hurt or kill them. Personally whenever I treat a whole tank I take my invertebrates out even when they say invertebrate safe on medication, that's just MY preference. I would remove a piece of driftwood and some precious plants and put them in the QT with them while you treat. 

    Ok...the good thing about this tank is it still has plastic plants.  I started with my small tanks with plants and wood.  Which I can start a whole conversation on that topic...I have a lot going on with my tanks right now.  😆

    • Haha 1
  19. On 2/6/2022 at 2:33 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    The Epsom is good to have on hand (even for more than fishy) and thankfully it's pretty cheap. I think you'll need to prepare a QT once we figure out whether he NEEDS medication. I totally understand wanting to get him helped. As long as he's not showing signs of something that might spread to others I would keep him in his regular tank to keep his stress low. To me it's only necessary to move him when you have hashed out a treatment plan. @Colu may be able to pipe in to give an opinion. I'll do what I can to try and help you figure it out, what species is mr fishy? 

    He's a gourami ...exact species name of him is unknown cause I bought him at chain pet store.  He was my first purchase when I got back in the hobby after 15+ years.  

  20. On 2/6/2022 at 2:42 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Ok, after much research I'm thinking because of the Nitrite spike you have a bacterial infection going in little guy. So, without further meds and AQUARIUM salt on hand you have a choice. Treat the tank OR put HIM in QT and treat him. If nobody is showing signs of infection physically or visually this is a choice you can make. Keeping in mind salt can damage plants and hurt some invertebrates if you have them in the main tank. Check your tank parameters again and make sure nitrite is back at zero (well of course ammonia too)

    **The Epsom salt soaks for 15-20 minutes should help unless it stresses him out too much you can do this daily or every other day for a week, maybe less. 

    I just ran parameters of the water now 

    pH 6.8

    Nitrates 20

    Hardness 75

    Nitrite 0

    Ammonia 0

    Buffer 80

    He's back in the tank but I'm worried about the other fish.  I almost want to treat the whole tank incase they are sick but not showing exterior signs yet.  I just wonder what I did wrong to cause this to happen.  I googled bloat...is that what you think he has?

    Also i have bamboo shrimp and a snail in this tank....can I put them in another tank or could they potentially carry whatever big blue has?  I have 4 different size display tanks in my house. 




  21. On 2/6/2022 at 2:42 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Ok, after much research I'm thinking because of the Nitrite spike you have a bacterial infection going in little guy. So, without further meds and AQUARIUM salt on hand you have a choice. Treat the tank OR put HIM in QT and treat him. If nobody is showing signs of infection physically or visually this is a choice you can make. Keeping in mind salt can damage plants and hurt some invertebrates if you have them in the main tank. Check your tank parameters again and make sure nitrite is back at zero (well of course ammonia too)

    **The Epsom salt soaks for 15-20 minutes should help unless it stresses him out too much you can do this daily or every other day for a week, maybe less. 

    I just ran parameters of the water now 

    pH 6.8

    Nitrates 20

    Hardness 75

    Nitrite 0

    Ammonia 0

    Buffer 80

    He's back in the tank but I'm worried about the other fish.  I almost want to treat the whole tank incase they are sick but not showing exterior signs yet.  I just wonder what I did wrong to cause this to happen.  I googled bloat...is that what you think he has?





  22. On 2/6/2022 at 12:41 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Good, I'm glad you didn't take it wrong, I just like to remind others that might read I don't want them to go through what you are- I know how stressful it is. 

    I'd get a container (I have small fish so I use my ziplock containers) mix up some Epsom and let little guy soak. While he's chillin in the bath do a water change to get rid of that 1ppm nitrite ASAP. If you have Prime use that. 🙂 I would continue with daily soaks unless and until 1) it doesn't help 2) a better solution is offered or 3) your meds show up and there is a need to use them. Salt will be your friend in the meantime. 

    If you don't have Epsom it is readily available at most stores in the pharmacy section, just make sure it's PLAIN epsom with no scents or other additives. 

    I did have to run out to get epsom salt. Should I set up another quarantine tank just for him?  Can you tell what's wrong just by looking at him?  He's a fav of mine...I just wanna fix him.  Thanks for the help...I hope it works

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