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Everything posted by bnaturally

  1. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Amano Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Assassin Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Dark German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Electric Blue Acara (Locally Bred) Large Assorted Angelfish (Local Drop Offs) Small Assorted Angelfish Corydoras and Other Catfish Habrosus Cories Albino Bronze Cories Pygmy Cories Dwarf Anchor Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus Farlowella Vittata Clown Plecos L128 Large Blue Phantom Pleco Medium Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Small Assorted Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Kuhli Loaches Yo-yo Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Red Phantom Tetras Green Fire Tetras Platinum Hatchetfish Barbs Tiger Barbs Danios Giant Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Panda Garras "Pale Chubs" Zacco Platypus Badis Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies (Locally Bred) Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Assorted Swordtails Platinum Halfbeaks Rainbowfish Threadfin Rainbowfish Killifish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Oddballs Fire Eel Blue Cobalt Gobies Black Ghost Knife Photos: 1. Dark blue rams and red phantom tetras 2. Habrosus cories 3. Pale chubs 4. Platinum hatchetfish
  2. Nice! I have a subadult schoutedeni from someone who bred them locally and raised many of them successfully a couple of times and I love them. Best of luck!
  3. Hi there, I have no idea. Things like that show up inconsistently. I would recommend just watching for future posts. Sorry about that.
  4. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Amano Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Assassin Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Gold Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Apisto. Borellii 'Opal' Apisto. Cacatuoides "Super Red" Apisto. Macmasteri "Super Red" Medium Blue Snakeskin Discus Small Blue Turquoise Discus Medium Red Melon Discus Medium Tiger Turquoise Discus Medium White Tiger Discus Corydoras and Other Catfish Paleatus Cories Bronze Cories Venezueleanus Cories Pygmy Cories Skunk Cories Plecos Common Otocinclus L239 Blue Panaque Pleco Clown Plecos L201 Orinoco Angel Pleco L235 Flat Flyer Pleco L200 Hi-Fin Green Phantom Pleco L190 Royal Pleco Small Assorted Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) XL Dark Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Kuhli Loaches Rosy Loaches Panda Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Von Rio Flame Tetras Candy Cane Tetras Barbs Odessa Barbs Tiger Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Other Cyprinids Roseline Sharks Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies (Locally Bred) Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Assorted Sailfin Mollies Rainbowfish Dwarf Neon Praecox Rainbows Killifish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Galaxy Medaka Ricefish Oddballs Pea Puffers Elephant Nose Photos: 1. White tiger discus 2. Amano shrimp 3. XL Bristlenose plecos 4. Skunk Cories 5. Sailfin mollies
  5. Hi there, No, the store does not carry any live foods for sale, and we do not have any immediate plans to in the future. Sorry about that.
  6. Hi there, I haven't been ordering them because the shop has been stocked up on them, and I haven't needed to order any 🙂 We have plenty available, and, if I do my job right and supply is good, we will always have these in stock at all times. Thank you.
  7. Hi there, No, unfortunately we do not take videos of the fish for sale in the store, only a few random photos of what came in. This fish list is for the Aquarium Co-Op retail store in Edmonds, WA meant to give our local customers an idea of what came in for sale the week. We do not ship live fish at all, sorry. We just put out an article of where we recommend getting live fish though here: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/where-to-buy-pet-fish Thank you,
  8. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp ***No amano shrimp delivered this week. More coming soon though! Asst. Nerite Snails Assassin Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Small Red Cover Discus Medium Tiger Turquoise Discus Medium Yellow Melon Discus Dark Blue German Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Bolivian Rams Corydoras and Other Catfish Paleatus Cories Albino Cories Panda Cories False/Reticulated Julii Cories Sterbai Cories Dwarf Petricola Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus L199 Yellow Zebra Pleco Assorted Baby Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Loaches Borneo Sucker Loaches Kuhli Loaches Small Clown Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Glowlight Tetras Black Neon Tetras Black Spot Hatchetfish Congo Tetras Barbs Cherry Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Leopard Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Pork/Lamb Chop Rasboras Other Cyprinids Badis Gouramis Pearl Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies (Locally Bred) Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Rainbowfish Bosemani Rainbowfish Celebes Rainbowfish Killifish Clown Killifish Florida Flag Fish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Oddballs Zig Zag Eels Elephant Nose Photos: 1. Cardinal tetras 2. Pearl gouramis 3. Celebes rainbowfish
  9. Hi there, No, we do not have any platinum ricefish in at the moment, only assorted "mutt" colors. I would recommend checking these posts in the near future, as we will be getting some in for the upcoming pond season. Thank you.
  10. Hi there, They can get anywhere between 4-10" depending on gender, age, etc. although I have never personally seen one get larger than 5"
  11. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp ***No amano shrimp delivered this week. More coming soon though! Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Apisto. Borellii "Opal" Assorted Small Angelfish Apisto. Cacatuoides "Super Red" Gold Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Med. Blue Diamond Discus Small Pidgeon Checkerboard Discus Med. Pidgeon Checkerboard Discus Small Red Melon Discus Corydoras and Other Catfish Adolfoi Cories Bronze Cories Albino Cories Flagtail Porthole Catfish Panda Cories False/Reticulated Julii Cories Sterbai Cories Dwarf Petricola Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus L018 Gold Nugget Pleco Small Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred by Christine) Medium Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred by Christine) Loaches Borneo Sucker Loaches Kuhli Loaches Medium Golden Dojo Loaches (Local Drop Offs) Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Glowlight Tetras Lemon Tetras Diamond Head Neon Tetras Red Phantom Tetras Silver Tip Tetras Pygmy Hatchet Fish Barbs Cherry Barbs Rosy Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Leopard Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Badis Scarlet Badis Gouramis Pearl Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies Assorted Male Swordtails Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Rainbowfish Killifish Gold Australe Killifish Pairs Goldfish/Koi Medium Assorted Goldfish (Local Drop Offs) Ricefish Oddballs Blue Cobalt Gobies Mud/Hinge Mouth Fish Schoutedeni Puffer Fish Rope Fish Clouded Freshwater Archer Fish Photos: 1. Flagtail porthole catfish 2. Apisto. cacatuoides and mud/hinge mouth fish 3. Pidgeon checkerboard discus
  12. Hi there, No, we do not unfortunately. Maybe sometime in the future but we have no plans to. Sorry about that.
  13. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Large Amano Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Apisto. Borellii "Opal" Corydoras and Other Catfish Panda Cories Pygmy Cories Sterbai Cories Plecos Common Otocinclus L018 Gold Nugget Pleco Loaches Black Kuhli Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Glowlight Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Black Neon Tetras Diamond Head Neon Tetras Blue Kerri Tetras Barbs Cherry Barbs Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Rasbora Hets/Harlequins Other Cyprinids Rainbow Sharks White Clouds Gold White Clouds Siamese Algae Eaters Panda Garra Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Powder Blue Female Dwarf Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Rainbowfish Threadfin Rainbowfish Killifish Norman's Lampeye Killifish Goldfish/Koi Medium Assorted Goldfish (Local Drop Off) Ricefish Oddballs Clouded Archerfish Black Ghost Knife Orange Spotted Eel African Butterfly Fish Pea Puffers Photos: 1. Powder blue female gouramis 2. Assorted platies 3. Drop off goldfish 4. Emperor tetras and rainbow sharks
  14. Hi everyone! Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine. Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes). All fish are sold on a first-come first-served basis. If you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at: store@aquariumcoop.com Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Small Amano Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bamboo Shrimp Blue Wood Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Apisto. Borellii "Opal" Small Red Melon Discus Medium Red Melon Discus Corydoras and Other Catfish Albino Cories Habrosus Cories Paleatus Cories Panda Cories Pygmy Cories Reticulated Julii Cories Sterbai Cories Dwarf Anchor Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus L239 Blue Panaque Pleco L018 Gold Nugget Pleco Loaches Kuhli Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Yo-yo Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Glowlight Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Barbs Cherry Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Roseline Sharks Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Pearl Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Rainbowfish Red Neon Rainbowfish Neon Dwarf Praecox Rainbowfish Killifish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Youkihi Medaka Galaxy Medaka Oddballs Senegal Bichir Peacock Gudgeons Photos: 1. Red melon discus 2. Pearl gouramis and roseline sharks 3. Orange shrimp 4. Blue panaque pleco
  15. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put holds on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a friendly reminder, if you have any questions on these fish or other questions related to the store, please email us at store@aquariumcoop.com and do not reach out via PM. That is the best way to get ahold of us. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bamboo Shrimp We were shorted on all Amano shrimp this week - limited quantities available Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Electric Blue Acara Assorted Small Angelfish Apisto. Borellii "Opal" Midnight Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Corydoras and Other Catfish Adolfoi Cories Panda Cories Pygmy Cories Sterbai Cories Habrosus Cories C102 Leopard Cories Dwarf Anchor Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus L239 Blue Panaque Pleco Clown Plecos L235 Flat Flyer Pleco L200 Hi Fin Green Phantom Pleco Loaches Kuhli Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Clown Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Diamond Tetras Candy Cane Tetras Marble Hatchetfish Lemon Tetras Barbs Cherry Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Giant Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Other Cyprinids Reticulated Siamese Algae Eaters Panda Garras Badis Gouramis Powder Blue Dwarf Female Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Neon Swordtails Rainbowfish Killifish Florida Flagfish Clown Killifish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Oddballs Elephant Nose Okeefenokee Pygmy Sunfish Photos: 1. Assorted mollies that were locally bred 2. Neon swordtails 3. Assorted small angelfish 4. Adolfoi cories and candy cane tetras
  16. Hi there, Yes, they are the same puffer, and the name just depends on the labeling by the wholesaler. Also, yes, we got multiples of them. I just moved them out of quarantine today.
  17. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Small Amano Shrimp Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bamboo Shrimp Blue Wood Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Apisto. Macmasteri "Red Neck" German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Gold Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Corydoras and Other Catfish Panda Cories Pygmy Cories Albino Cories Bronze Cories Orange Laser Cories Plecos Common Otocinclus L264 Grey Leporacanthicus Pleco L080 Spiny Pleco Loaches Kuhli Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Red & Blue Columbian Tetras Congo Tetras Eques Pencilfish Diamond Tetras Barbs Cherry Barbs Odessa Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Leopard Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Rasbora Hets/Harlequin Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Rainbowfish Killifish Florida Flagfish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Oddballs Senegal Bichir Albino Senegal Bichir Dorsal-Banded Whales (Petrocephalus simus) Orange Spotted Eel Elephant Nose Pea Puffers Amazon/South American Puffers Photos: 1. Dorsal-banded whales 2. Eques pencilfish 3. Amazon puffers 4. Apisto. macmasteri
  18. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Small Amano Shrimp Cherry Neo. Shrimp Orange Neo. Shrimp Red Rili Neo. Shrimp Blue Velvet Neo. Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Dark Blue German Blue Rams (Not Midnights) (Locally Bred by Christine) Small Cobalt Discus Red Head Tapajos Corydoras and Other Catfish Panda Cories Venezuelan Cories Leopard Cories Plecos Common Otocinclus L201 Orinoco Angel/Snowball Pleco L398 Tiger Stripe Pleco Loaches Kuhli Loaches Reticulated Hillstream Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Black Neon Tetras Green Neon Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Congo Tetras Dwarf Pencilfish Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Leopard Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Pork Chop Rasboras Other Cyprinids Reticulated Siamese Algae Eaters Common White Clouds Gold White Clouds Badis Gouramis Pearl Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Assorted Platies Red Swordtails Three Spot Halfbeaks Rainbowfish Killifish Clown Killifish Gardneri Killifish Pairs Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Youkihi Orange Medaka Ricefish Oddballs Ornate Rainbow Gobies Pea Puffers Photos: No photos of the new this week due to being out of town on vacation.
  19. Hi there, Yes, the display tanks are still in the store. They will forever go through changes and are no longer previous employees' designs but yes, they still in the store. Unfortunately, we do not offer to take photos of those or any of the tanks at this time. Sorry about that.
  20. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Medium Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bamboo Shrimp (Shorted on Orange Shrimp this week) Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Apisto. Borellii "Opal" Apisto. Agassizii "Tefe Red Back" Medium Yellow Pidgeon Checkboard Discus Medium Yellow Pidgeon Snakeskin Discus Small Red Cover Discus German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Gold Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Corydoras and Other Catfish Habrosus Cories Panda Cories Pygmy Cories Albino Cories Large Bronze Cories (Local Drop Off) Paleatus Cories Serbai Cories Dwarf Anchor Catfish Dwarf Petricola Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus Loaches Kuhli Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Glass Bloodfin Tetras Green Fire Tetras Marble Hatchet Fish Barbs Cherry Barbs Rosy Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Roseline Sharks Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Red Platies Assorted Platies Assorted Mollies (Locally Bred) Rainbowfish Neon Dwarf Praecox Rainbowfish Red Neon Rainbowfish Thread Fin Rainbowfish Killifish Red Striped Killifish Florida Flagfish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Oddballs Schoutedeni Pufferfish Fire Eel Zig Zag Spiny Eels Black Ghost Knife Fish Photos: 1. Fire eel 2. Cherry barbs 3. Green fire tetras 4. Marble hatchet fish
  21. Hi, The fish listed are always set to come out on the dates listed in the title of the post. All the fish in this posting are set to come out on 2/6 assuming things go well in quarantine. Thank you,
  22. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Small Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bamboo Shrimp Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Marble Angelfish Apisto. Borellii "Opal" Corydoras and Other Catfish Habrosus Cories Panda Cories Pygmy Cories Bronze Cories Albino Hoplo Catfish Paleatus Cories Serbai Cories Weitzmani Cories Plecos Common Otocinclus Assorted Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Adult Long Fin Super Red Bristlenose Plecos Loaches Kuhli Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Red Phantom Tetras Red and Blue Columbian Tetras Red Coral/Arc Pencilfish Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Leopard Danios Mustache Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Rasbora hets/Harlequin Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters Long Fin White Clouds Albino Rainbow Sharks Badis Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Red Platies Assorted Platies Half Black & Yellow Lyretail Mollies Rainbowfish Irian Red Rainbowfish Emerald Green Rainbowfish Spotted Blue Eyed Rainbowfish Thread Fin Rainbowfish Killifish Red Striped Killifish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Oddballs Schoutedeni Pufferfish Clown Knife Fish Black Ghost Knife Fish Photos:
  23. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Small Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bettas Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Electric Blue Acara German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Gold Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Corydoras and Other Catfish Habrosus Cories Panda Cories Pygmy Cories False Julii Cories Sterbai Cories Adolfoi Cories (Locally Bred) Dwarf Anchor Catfish Dwarf Petricola Catfish Striped Raphael Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus L239 Blue Panaque Pleco Red Lizard Whiptails Long Finned Super Red Bristlenose (Locally Bred) Loaches Kuhli Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Von Rio Flame Tetras Marble Hatchet Fish Platinum Hatchet Fish Barbs Cherry Barbs Tiger Barbs Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Rasboras Chili Rasboras Pork Chop Rasboras Other Cyprinids Reticulated Siamese Algae Eaters Panda Garra Badis Scarlet Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies (Locally Bred) Asst. Endlers (Locally Bred) Red Platies Assorted Platies Black Lyretail Mollies Rainbowfish Dwarf Praecox Rainbowfish Bosemani Rainbowfish Killifish Goldfish/Koi Black Moors Red Cap Orandas Calico Ryukin Ricefish Oddballs Schoutedeni Pufferfish Pea Puffers Fish from Cory's Fishroom Assorted Endlers Assorted Guppies Koi Tuxedo Guppies Wild-Caught Elegans Cories Super Red Bristlenose Plecos Large Barbatus Cories Large Green Dragon Plecos Photos:
  24. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Amano Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails *****Please note: Our wholesaler did not send us Cherry Shrimp this week and we are very low. Please email us at store@aquariumcoop.com if you or someone you know has some high-quality adult cherry shrimp for me to buy from you this week! Bettas Asst. Koi Females Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Giant Kribensis Pairs (sacrimontis) Apisto. Borellii "Opal" Apisto. Cacatuoides "Super Red" Bolivian Rams Corydoras and Other Catfish Albino Cories Habrosus Cories C102 Leopard Cories Panda Cories Venezuelanus Cories Dwarf Anchor Catfish Plecos Common Otocinclus Farlowella Vittata L128 Blue Phantom Plecos L200 Hi Fin Green Phantom Pleco Assorted Baby Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred) Loaches Kuhli Loaches Zebra Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Green Neon Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Diamond Head Neon Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Silver Tip Tetras Red Beckford Pencilfish Barbs Cherry Barbs Danios Glowlight Danios Danio Kyathit Rasboras Chili Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Pork Chop Rasboras Other Cyprinids Reticulated Siamese Algae Eaters Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Powder Blue Dwarf Female Gouramis Pearl Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies Asst. Endlers Black Lyretail Mollies Rainbowfish Killifish Clown Killifish Goldfish/Koi Ricefish Daisy's Blue Ricefish Oddballs Schoutedeni Pufferfish Leopard Pufferfish Rhinogobius Chiengmaiensis (My favorite family of fish!!!! ☺️ ) Fish from Cory's Fishroom AND Murphy's Tank! Large Wild-Caught Jurupari (From Ladybird's 800gal Tank and Murphy's tank at the store) Vienna Guppy Pairs Large Super Red Bristlenose Plecos Neon Blue Swordtails Assorted Guppies/Endlers Neon Tetras Photos: 1. Large jurupari 2. Rhinogobius Chiengmaiensis 3. Diamond head neon tetras 4. Giant Kribs
  25. Hi everyone! 😁 Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis. As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bettas Asst. Koi Females Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Plakat Males Cichlids Electric Blue Acara Small Gold Angelfish Small Cobalt Blue Zebra Angelfish Medium Veiltail Gold/Koi Angelfish (Locally Bred) Apisto. Cacatuoides "Super Red" Small Blue Turquoise Discus Small Cobalt Discus Small Pigeon Snakeskin Discus Medium Leopard Snakeskin Discus Medium Pigeon Snakeskin Discus German Blue Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Gold Rams (Locally Bred by Christine) Jurupari Corydoras and Other Catfish Adolfoi Cories Sterbai Cories (Locally Bred) Habrosus Cories Panda Cories Pygmy Cories Reticulated Julii Violet Cories Plecos Common Otocinclus Galaxy Otocinclus L226 Iquitos Tiger Pleco Small Super Red Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred by Christine) Small Assorted Bristlenose Plecos (Locally Bred by Cassandra) Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Kuhli Loaches Yoyo Loaches Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Green Neon Tetras Rummynose Tetras Ember Tetras Congo Tetra Males Glowlight Tetras Diamond Head Neon Tetras Von Rio Tetras Platinum Hatchet Fish Barbs Odessa Barbs Danios Giant Danios Orange Fin Hill Trout Rasboras Chili Rasboras Exclamation Point Rasboras Emerald Eye Rasboras Other Cyprinids Long Finned White Clouds Large Siamese Algae Eaters (Local Drop Offs) Roseline Sharks Badis Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Powder Blue Dwarf Female Gouramis Pearl Gouramis Livebearers Asst. Fancy Guppies Asst. Endlers Platinum Halfbeaks Rainbowfish Irian Red Rainbowfish Kamaka Rainbowfish Red Neon Luminatus Rainbowfish Killifish Clown Killifish Goldfish/Koi Black Moor Chocolate Oranda Calico Ranchu Red & White Ryukin Ricefish Oddballs Schoutedeni Pufferfish Leopard Pufferfish Clouded Archer Fish Photos: 1. Veiltail angelfish 2. Leopard puffer 3. Jurupari and rainbowfish 4. Assorted goldfish
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