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Everything posted by bnaturally

  1. They are on the floor for sale now. Here is not an appropriate place to talk about trades though. Please email the shop at: store@aquariumcoop.com Brandon
  2. Cory has said many times that we will probably never franchise out, no. No plans to in the future as far as I know and assume.
  3. I know you already got yours, but for future reference for you and other commentors, it's dependent on how the fish come in. Some fish are looking perfectly fine and could be sold earlier, some need to wait the full allotted time. In general, fish are usually ready by the following Sunday/Monday that the list comes out.
  4. As of 2/17/22 They are all $19.99ea Absolutely no clue. Live fish stock and availability are always changing. Could be next week, could be 5 years. The best and only way we recommend is checking this forum every Wed/Thursday.
  5. Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Blue Wood Shrimp Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bettas Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Halfmoon Males Asst. Koi Males Galaxy Koi Females Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Powder Dwarf Female Gouramis Corydoras and Other Catfish Bronze Cories Panda Cories Venezuelanus Cories Sterbai Cories Bandit Cories Habrosus Cories Dwarf Petricola Catfish Plecos L235 Flat Flyer Pleco L128 Blue Phantom Pleco L200 Hi-Finned Green Phantom Common Otocinclus Loaches Borneo Sucker Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Cichlids Leopard Angelfish Apisto. Cacatuoides "Orange Flash" Apisto. Cacatuoides "Super Red" Blue Diamond Discus Blue Snakeskin Discus Red Turquoise Discus Snow White Discus Firemouth Cichlid Tetras Cardinal Tetras Ember Tetras Neon Tetras Rummy-Nose Tetras Green Neon Tetras Diamond head Neon Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Pristella Tetras Candy Cane Tetras Rasboras Pork Chop Rasboras Pygmy Spotted Rasboras Barbs Cherry Barbs "Regular" Tiger Barbs Roseline Shark Other Cyprinids "Regular" Siamese Algae Eaters Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Giant Danios Livebearers Assorted Male Endlers Assorted Fancy Female Guppies Assorted Fancy Male Guppies Calico Lyretail Mollies Blue Platies Pineapple Swordtails Rainbowfish Madagascar Rainbows Boesemani Rainbows Neon Red Rainbows Thread Fin Rainbows Killifish Clown Killifish Norman's Lampeye Killifish Gardneri Killifish Pairs Ricefish Daisy's Blue Ricefish Oddballs Australian Desert Gobies Endlicheri Bichir Teugelsi Bichir NEW LOCALLY-BRED FISH FROM DEAN: Red Koi Angelfish Orange Medaka Ricefish Platinum Medaka Ricefish L134 Leopard Frog Plecos L201 Orinoco Angel/Snowball Plecos L397 Candy Stripe Tiger Plecos Hemichromis exsul "Turkana Jewel Cichlid"
  6. Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Assassin Snails Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bettas Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Koi Males Galaxy Koi Females Gouramis Sunset Honey Gouramis Sparkling Gouramis Leopard Bushfish Corydoras and other Catfish Albino Cories Adolfoi Cories Peppered Cories Sterbai Cories Barbatus Cories Plecos L081 Stardust Gold Nugget Pleco LDA31 Galaxy Pleco L030 Peppermint Pleco Common Otocinclus Loaches "Hair Band" Kuhli Loaches Yo-yo Loaches Cichlids Black Marble Angelfish Koi Angelfish Red Cover Discus Pidgeon Checkerboard Discus Red Melon Discus Pelvicachromis Drachenfelsi "Taeniatus Wouri" Tetras Cardinal Tetras Ember Tetras Neon Tetras Rummy-Nose Tetras Green Neon Tetras Diamond Tetras Black Neon Tetras Black Phantom Tetras Red Phantom Tetras Pristella Tetras One-Lined Pencil Fish Marble Hatchet Fish Platinum Hatchet Fish Rasboras Chili Rasboras Neon Green Rasboras Rasbora Het. / Harliequin Rasboras Barbs Cherry Barbs Gold Barbs Regular Tiger Barbs Other Cyprinids Reticulated Siamese Algae Eaters Long-finned White Clouds Danios Celestial Pearl Danios Long-finned Zebra Danios Goldring Danios Livebearers Assorted Male Endlers Assorted Fancy Female Guppies Assorted Fancy Male Guppies Half Black & Gold Mollies Red Platies Neon Swordtails Rainbowfish Madagascar Rainbows Killifish Clown Killifish Ricefish Daisy's Blue Ricefish Oddballs Pea Puffers African Butterfly Fish Fire Eel Peacock Gudgeons Ornate Rainbow Gobies Delhezi Bichir Teugelsi Bichir Photo Key: 1. Hair Band Kuhli 2. Leopard Bush Fish 3. Pidgeon Blood and Melon Discus 4. Bamboo Shrimp 5. Barbatus Cory 6. Galaxy Koi Female Bettas 7. LDA31 Galaxy Pleco
  7. @MattHasMTS That poof is looking happy! Glad to see things are going smoothly 🙂
  8. Felt bad for not getting the photos on the OP so here are a few of the new fish that came in! 1. Borneo Sucker Loaches 2. Flat Flyer Pleco 3. Green Tiger Barbs 4. Male Koi Betta 5. Rainbow Ornate Goby See them in person when they get out of quarantine soon!
  9. Hi everyone! Here is the new fish list for this upcoming week after the fish get out of quarantine. If you don't know, I am the new assistant store manager and fish buyer for the retail store and my name is Brandon! From now on, you'll be seeing me posting the fish lists each week. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frog Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Blue Wood Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Assassin Snails Asst. Nerite Snails Asst. Mystery Snails Bettas Asst. Halfmoons Males Asst. Crowntail Males Asst. Koi Males Galaxy Koi Females Gouramis Sunset Honeys Sparkling Gouramis Locally-bred Pearl Gouramis Corydoras and other Catfish Panda Cory Adolfoi Cory Similis Cory False Julii Cory Peppered Cory Sterbai Cory Dwarf Petricola Catfish Plecos L235 Flat Flyer Pleco L444 Rubber Lip Common Otocinclus Loaches Dwarf Chain Loach Borneo Sucker Loach Clown Loach Cichlids Black Marble Angelfish German Blue Ram Scarlet Badis Tetras Cardinal Tetra Ember Tetra Neon Tetra Rummy-Nose Tetra Lemon Tetra Candy Cane Tetra Von Rio Flame Tetra Pristella Tetra One-Lined PencilFish Rasboras Chili Rasbora Exclamation Point Rasbora Pygmy Spotted Rasbora Barbs Cherry Barb Green Tiger Barb Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eater Long-finned White Cloud Danios Celestial Pearl Danio Leopard Danio Goldring Danio Livebearers Assorted Male Endlers Assorted Fancy Female Guppies Assorted Fancy Male Guppies Red Lyretail Mollies Pineapple Swordtails Killifish Clown Killifish Oddballs Pea Puffers Ornate Rainbow Goby Black Ghost Knife Teugelsi Bichih I forgot to grab photos of the fish this week, but I figured I'd post the fish list anyways. I'll try my best to grab some photos of the new fish next time for you guys. Enjoy and we'll see you in the shop soon! -Brandon
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