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Posts posted by BuzzDaddy21

  1. On 12/17/2021 at 1:47 AM, Cinnebuns said:

    a fancy trio

    Hi, I picked up a fancy trio a while back and they are doing fine.

    Last Monday I went to my LFS, he had no trios but had a couple of fancy females (no males of that type) the one female was expecting, lo and behold Tuesday am she had like 25 babies. (I put the babies in a 20L, and they seem like they are doing fine.)

    That same day an order from co-op showed up with some Easy Fry Food, that really helped with feeding the little guys.

    What I did seem to learn was when the female gets that back bend, that might be a sign of getting ready to birth??

    I hope I said that right.

    I think you might want to go with a fancy trio. 

  2. On 12/13/2021 at 6:50 PM, lefty o said:

    good quality sturdy furniture can work well to hold an aquarium. i would veer away from most pressed board type of stuff, even if it holds it, over time will sag, and become a potential problem over time.

    My two cents, I like metal stands, not as pretty but will hold a lot of weight.

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  3. On 12/12/2021 at 10:45 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Are you asking (1) How long do [brine shrimp] live for? and (2) when do [brine shrimp] die out??

    Yes, I should have said that, sorry.

    On 12/12/2021 at 11:28 PM, StockEwe49 said:

    There are some great videos on Youtube about the life cycle of the brine shrimp

    Yes, I`ve seen some of those.

    I maybe should have asked what their die off does to the water if anything.

  4. On 12/12/2021 at 6:10 PM, lefty o said:

    i would sneak up on it. say you start with the 1 pump per10g. try that for a week or three, and see how the plants

    I was going to leave this alone but, please give me an example of say a 20l with not too many or a lot of plants, would the type of plant matter?

    Will a plant use the nutrients fast or slow? (Must be slow, to see what happens in a week.)

    I know what you're thinking grow rocks instead.😮

  5. On 12/12/2021 at 3:54 PM, KBOzzie59 said:

    One pump per 10 gallons is a starting point.


    On 12/12/2021 at 5:20 PM, lefty o said:

    1 pump per 10gallons is merely a decent starting point. in a heavily planted tank

    Well yes, I've seen the videos, but I guess I`m stupid cause no one says how many plants in a given tank and I'm trying to put that into perception of 1 or 2 plants could be a heavily planted tank. 

    So, if too much fertilizer is used then maybe get hit with algae?


  6. Maybe someone will answer this question that might help me understand more about plants.

    I don`t see or hear about how many plants are getting just one pump of fertilizer per 10 gallons? (Easy Green)

    I have 1 plant - 5 plants or 25plants.

    Let's say I have a 20l with 12 plants. (Say all 12 are low light - does that make any difference? (I`m not talking about roots tabs, maybe I should include them.) 

    No matter what size tank, will the number of plants change?

    I hope I`m saying this correctly.🤔

  7. Well, I have managed to kill Guppy grass somehow.😵

    I guess I`m confused about when and how much fertilize to use even after I read directions.

    I did get a couple of guppies.

    I might also have to get a camera so I can upload pictures. (I can`t resize phone pictures.) 

    cancel this.

  8. Well, I have managed to kill Guppy grass somehow.😵

    I guess I`m confused about when and how much fertilize to use even after I read directions.

    I did get a couple of guppies.

    I might also have to get a camera so I can upload pictures. (I can`t resize phone pictures.) 

  9. Hi all, still trying to save Java ferns.

    Also still trying to get pictures, (I have lots of pictures, can`t get them on to computer - maybe I`ll just become a drunk instead.)

    Just got more plants from co-op today, they look great. (I will try and keep alive.)

    Thinking about adding a few small fish/snails in three tanks?

    Hope everyone is having a great week.  

  10. On 12/8/2021 at 3:07 PM, anewbie said:

    It is high for a tank that just has fresh water poured into (no live stock).

    I don`t know what might be high or not. (Only plants.)

    Many moons ago I never checked hardly anything.

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