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Everything posted by Allan

  1. I always struggle to keep my dwarf lily going. I was thinking about adding some dirt around it so I don’t have to keep up with root tabs. Maybe a clay pot dish of dirt capped with something.
  2. Thanks. I’ll look into a breeder bag or something.
  3. Yesterday I watched my Pygmy Cory lay eggs all day and overnight they all disappeared. How long do the eggs take to hatch? They're in a tank with kuhli loaches and way too many pond snails.
  4. That reminds me. I used kitty litter for a cap.
  5. Update. Took out the grass and replaced it with cattails from the ditch, it was surviving but not growing.
  6. The dogs just stick their head in and drink, so not destructive at all. My chickens don’t come this close to the house, and they have a water bowl by the coop. I have an open aquarium in the house and the cats drink out of it, but they don’t bother my fish. It’s right at my desk so I’m sitting there all day then the door is closed when I’m not around to supervise. No goats so I can’t help you there. 😀
  7. The dogs enjoy the mini ponds too. I was wondering why 2 gallons was evaporating every day.
  8. I must have an aggressive breed of Endlers because mine rip shrimps apart for fun.
  9. 50 meaningful posts. Time to stop lurking.
  10. I like the paper bag idea. I'll have to remember that for next year.
  11. Thanks, I think I'll top them with gravel too. I want to submerge them but thought I'd wait a few weeks to see what happens. I plan to add endlers once the temperatures rise a little more, and a small water pump is on the way for movement.
  12. I set up a tub pond with cardinal flower, sedge grass and blue flag iris. I put the plants in dirt inside cloth pots. Second guessing the dirt now, should they be in a coarser substrate or is this fine? My wife is sure this is going to end up as a mosquito breeder so I want to be as successful as possible on the first try. So what do you think, leave the plants in dirt or replant in gravel.
  13. Judging by the way the moss ball fell apart in my hand I'd say you are right. Thanks for the help.
  14. I got the moss ball from Petsmart three years ago. It's bigger than a tennis ball now.
  15. I've had this moss ball for a few years, I didn't turn it for a while and when I did substrate was stuck to the bottom. I knocked the gravel off and moved on with my day. Now it's slowly taking over the bottom. I tried casually pulling it out and off the java fern rhizomes, but it's winning. Is there anything that eats this? Looking for a passive solution, otherwise I suppose I'll just let it carpet the bottom. Sorry about the link, when I try to save the file it's an .HEIC which I've never heard of and the forum doesn't allow. https://photos.app.goo.gl/D8MTKareT3AQs9ZS8
  16. That's a pest snail. I have them in my tank and actually came to the forum to start a thread on getting rid of them. I have hundreds in my 10g. They showed up after I got some Pygmy Cory at a fish swap.
  17. I have 2 pregnant guppies in my main tank. I moved them in with the shrimps and snails hoping they, or their fry will eventually eat the worms.
  18. Hi everyone, I was enjoying my tank today when I noticed these hair like worms swimming around. Two of them, I tried to get a video. I'd say they were 1-2" long. The tank is 10 gallon, stocked with plants, 2 snails and less than 10 shrimp. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMFJKDU8zPPr5oMLaOshQs0b5x4trf2YDqhfEE1PyhfVYiIeQ-l1I00gIeHTZ8v4A/photo/AF1QipNilO7nX9At0PZ5Eebt3PoQPtJorAPbB7Y3U_07?key=UC1GZlRvdlRRMUZ3bnNTbFBaYVBHWlctU0xBMFd3
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