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Posts posted by HotTunaCartel

  1. On 1/2/2022 at 11:14 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    Eheim classic 2217 or a 2262, it’s a nice big canister and you can put whatever you want in it but they come with some great media to start and you can configure it how you like it. I use media bags to separate things. Very quiet 🤫 making for happy partners.

    I just installed the eheim classic on my 20 long.  I kinda feel for me at least that its easier to clean than my fluval 407.  

    I disconnect it, and flip it upside down into a stainless steel bowl squeeze out the sponge, empty the water in the bowl, swish it around in some tap water (well water) put the media back in and put some filter floss on the top.  Fill it with water and slap the top back on. 

    I was really impressed with how easy it was to clean  


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  2. On 1/1/2022 at 3:37 PM, Irene said:

    I usually just measure my nitrate to see how much to add and shoot for 40-50 ppm nitrate (as long as I have plenty of plants and not a huge bioload from animals).

    Kind of a silly question.  Do you start with the 1 pump per gallon, test then add an additional pump and test until you get 40-50 nitrate? 

  3. I've had these guys in the qt tank for about two weeks now.  One of the neons is about the same size it was when I got them, the others have grown nicely.  

    This one is almost clear and I can pretty much see through its body.  He is healthy and eats fine.  In the beginning it was a bit standoffish with the other fish but now has no problem swimming with them.  

    I'm not sure if this is just an odd tetra or it may be a mix with a glowlight tetra?


  4. On 12/31/2021 at 4:04 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Nice leaf litter! Tetras do seem healthier with loads of leaves / black water botanicals.

    I agree!  I also think with blackwater it brings out that amazing blue/green stripe.  

    Interesting thing,  I got a glowlight tetra with the other neons in the qt tank.  I feel like it knows its different as it kinda sits off to the side often.  

    • Like 1
  5. ACO has various sizes,  I can use both the medium and large course sponges on my Fluval 407.  I do use the mini sponge on my eheim 150 


    Edit:  the aco medium fits fine on 407 without the strainer, with the strainer it requires the large.  

    The medium fits on the eheim 150 with the strainer on 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I've never had much glass surfing that has made me worry.  

    My harlequin rasboras will glass surf many times a day usually where the highest flow is that is downward.  In my current tank that is the front left.  I do have a few red tuxedo guppies that follow around the harlequins occasionally in the corners and like to run the back wall into the outflow from the filter.  

  7. On 12/28/2021 at 10:22 AM, Guppysnail said:

    These airstone are divine especially in my hard water. I love that I can pull them out of the airline to reuse elsewhere without them disintegrating. 

    I agree.  I used to use the old style air stones in my hydroponic systems but I had to have a bunch to get even flow from them, I kinda wish there were around 10 years ago.  

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  8. Just about done cleaning up the diatom outbreak from a month ago.  I wanted to stop gravel vacuuming every other day and disturbing the substrate so I threw an air stone in with a plant weight around the bottom.  I'm kind of amazed that the upward water movement from the air stone is enough to dislodge some of the last remaining diatom chunks.

    Since then I have used it  in my blackwater tank to dislodge some of the scum that builds up and allow it to get into the water column for the pre intake filter to remove it.    

    no clog

  9. On 12/26/2021 at 12:20 PM, drewzero1 said:

    Great shot of the heat! I love catching my tank in the sunlight. It's a whole different look from when the light is on.

    In the summer I move my blackwater by the south window because the sun is height enough to not blast through the tank, it then gets boring in the winter lol.  

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