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Everything posted by BrineShrimp

  1. here something i did in 10 minutes. The idea behind it if you look away but try to look at it it looks a lot better than it is like a optical illusion.
  2. Has a seller of brine shrimp and many other diploid The Artemia franciscana (brine shrimp) are a pretty decent source of nutrition but very good for fry and some other smallish fish, I noticed with clown fish it really does help with starting the process of breeding. As a matter of fact, if you take the same wet weight of brine shrimp and compare it to the same wet weight of most flake foods, the protein levels are comparable. The problem is that people compare the dry weight statistics of flake or frozen foods, to the wet weight statistics of live brine shrimp. Live brine shrimp, however, can be gut loaded to make that food, weight for weight, higher in nutrition than most other food we use in our tanks. In addition, your fish will enjoy chasing down their prey, getting much needed exercise in the process. The most comprehensive writing on brine shrimp has been done for the United Nations with regards to aquaculture, an industry that makes extensive use of brine shrimp as a major part of the mariculture industry raising fish/shrimp etc for the food industry of the world.
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