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Brandon p

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Posts posted by Brandon p

  1. I I’m my experience angels will eat some, but They will not keep it under control. You may have dip nets some out. I raise snails so the snails will eat sick or dying duckweed. African cichlids wills rend to eat it. I often put extra in

  2. On 9/19/2021 at 8:38 PM, RyanU said:

    I did not get the ziss. I got one that I can hang inside my tank too keep temp up. I don't have a ton of room established yet you the hobby. I found a smaller one that mostly fits in my 5 gallon grow out tank. I only have 11 fry currently so I don't need to hatch that many. 

    I have a ziss that when I don’t have a ton of need and use the ACCO and I cand used it for 4 days. The eggs that are not hatching will stick to the walls and I love it. The longer I have been going I am getting more fry and a greed to fish I believe that are about to Span.

  3. I didn’t mention those just because I can not get them to stay alive. I have tried them several times. They are pretty thin when I get them but I have a tank were there is always algae. I talked to several LFS owners and most are not happy about the condition they get them. One stopped ordering them. He said until I can get better quality i just won’t sell them. He said that lots of people want them but  a lot of the time people come back because they died. Some also said that were we are it has to go to Tampa or Miami, then to one of 2 local 1 is an international airport but has limited access and most international fights go to Europe. So it can take extra time getting to the store.

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  4. We had someone toss a Rhode Island rooster over the fence. We are in a go size city and my oldest was fight city hall about having chickens and definitely not a rooster. I agree no roster. But we had him about 2 weeks as we tried to regime and he was hard on the girls and eggs numbers dropped. As for the brahmas that’s one chicken that when they say chickens are closely related to dinosaurs I can believe it. I loved them

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  5. I have few of the usb air pumps and a few of  the usb battery chargers but this doesn’t last days. So I would go with battery powered air pump. Heaters use a lot of power, maybe the most of the equipment you have. The first thing I do is wrap a heavy blanket around the tank and a second over the top. Then heat packs like you might take camping. 



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  6. My kids have been a part of 4H for years and have had my different breeds. I never liked the rhode reds were the meanest of them. Most of the others came when called would let you feed them. You could hold them like bunny’s. The polish was one of my favorites. 

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  7. I looked around on google and found some pictures that show the same thing. The most common things mentioned gullflukes, hole in the head at the start, among several others. With there are pictures there no definite answer among them pictures. Most are post in other fish groups. One case the fish was dissected and Gill flukes were found. Sorry I didn’t find an away answer. Keep us updated 

  8. I think the pygmy Cory will work. The chain sword sure be fine.  You should consider the Dwarf Chain Loach. It’s an exception to the other loaches an does great in planted tanks. They do best in a small school 3 on up. They will well with corys. The loaches grow to about 2 inches or a little more. They are very active. They should work well together 

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  9. Had small clown loaches in there. They kept them under control. I still had snails but at a low level. I moved the loaches to a bigger tank. This is the first hatch since then. I will take the clutch of eggs and put a cheap plastic container drill holes in the top. Then I wet two paper towels doubled, then set a third paper towel into of the wet towels. Place the eggs on top and float in container in the aquarium. Make sure the eggsdont dry out. Check daily or every 2 days and add a little bit of water into the the plastic container. I use a kids medicine syringe. They lay several clutch’s at a time normally. I how that helps. If you are not getting eggs let me know





  10. It’s changed so much. Now a big part of it has houses around. After hurricane Charlie and Irma most new homes built sea walls on the canals. We’re I live was a popular street racing spot then. In the 80’s I saw planes than would fly super low and drop bags out or land on one of the road that are super bad and take off a few minutes latter. I wonder what was happening. Now it is invasives. Nile monitors, coyotes, Iguanas, African giants snails, oscars, an Occasional pyhon or boa. Boa killed one of my sons show chickens. Now to get the pristine canals you have to go to the Everglades. You can still catch lots of bass here just not like the glades in size

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  11. I would wait on adding any bottom dwellers if you can. Here why, if you didn’t have the carpeting plants the Corys would be fine. I have never had any luck with any cories with carpet plants that are not well established and spreading on there own. Do you want something functional or something to be seen or both

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  12. Any else have a mystery snails every where. There are several clutches still in the tank. I have always had fish that would eat some of the babies so I was not over run. Will most of these babies survive. If they will I will move the adults. I normally would take the 30 or so that grew big enough to LFS for cash or credit.  Size difference E5003043-1397-411D-82A2-3EF2FFF6D0A7.jpeg.ade91fa49075e88fa5a4b149bec458ec.jpeg 

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  13. They should surrive that amount of salt. When you do your water change after the treatment will remove some salt. They don’t need salt but a little won’t hurt. Top pic is eggs of ramshorn with a size comparison. Second pic is a close up. The will be on anything that doesn’t move or moves slow. I have send ramshorn eggs on a live mystery snail.



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  14. If you make Dyi undergravel and make it slightly taller. Plant on top of it ideally before you put gravel in. I would use larger gravel. This lets the plant grow through the filter and go crazy down there. I used a normal and used wood blocks to bring it up some. Also I cut the grates with a dremel to widen the slits in the grate and added some parallel. With the root down there it stayed surprisingly clean under it. I had it up for 4 years and maybe gravel vac’d maybe once. There are some dyi under gravel that use the smaller egg crate and some that used the regular eggcrate with a screen over. The ones I just moved where the discus tank it was a plain River rock gravel.


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