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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. On 3/1/2022 at 6:06 PM, Fish Folk said:

    I’d look into Levamisole. Greg Sage finds success with it against “livebearer disease.” I think Fritz makes a medicine with levamisole as its active ingredient. (Fritz Expel-P)

    I figured thank you. I’m gonna give it a shot. I’d hate for my other strains to get it. Hopefully I can stop it in its tracks.

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  2. Notice sunken bellies hitting this strain I got several months ago that was fine up until this last week or so. Eating and acting fine but whole colony is getting really skinny. Any suggestions what meds I can give?

    temp 75~ 450tds 0 ammonia nitrite nitrate. 7.5ph


    regular water changes mature tankEF773BED-66E1-4C9E-8066-6C016B59E798.jpeg.df7387b3ee8cd2966dbcbb013abbc912.jpegA3352967-C650-4AB5-910F-62F86D6F0944.jpeg.1aa14d1afad4ee15a2adca1cc7a48729.jpeg21E3768A-D0A0-4B8E-9A24-78C25BECBEBC.jpeg.5b181b6c9c11a6187b0a3ba362d578ec.jpeg

  3. So this evening I came inside from the fish room and shoved my phone in my wife’s face to show her a picture and I said “This is where we get our money back!!” Jokingly of course.67F956E6-8992-4EFC-8B0F-792923455C38.jpeg.f7e76011eb37e08bed5d748e3a9336b4.jpeg

    After having a group of 8 Norman’s lampeyes in a 10 gallon for a few months I decided to throw a spawning mop in for the first time after not producing any fry organically. Low and behold I was able to pull 16 eggs today!0A8E17B7-148F-4C81-981D-483070892AD8.jpeg.8fac7c3540741ba3e9eaf6638c7f29b4.jpeg

    I moved the eggs to a shoebox with some aeration, I will post a photo later. If I don’t succeed to hatch them I will attempt a egg tumbler next time. Stay tuned!

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  4. Greetings! I’m starting a new thread for fishroom 64. It’s long overdue. For the past few months I’ve been adding updates to the build thread from the room but it’s basically complete at this point. At this point it’s been up and running for 5+ months and past this point I would like to share an occasional update on the happenings in my fish nerd laboratory of sorts.

    A little about me. I built a room back in August 2021 in my detached shop. It’s roughly 50 square feet and houses 27 aquariums. I documented the build somewhat thoroughly. I’m a father of 4 small children and have a busy life. The room is a bit of a treat to myself and I try to involve my children when I can. You can see the progression through this link.


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  5. On 12/4/2021 at 10:55 AM, Yuns Aquatics said:

    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Yeon-Hee, and I go by "Yuns". I am located in Olympia, Washington and I am very excited to be here among fishy friends as I am finally pursuing my love of fish and aquatics! 🌱🐟🌱

    I have kept one small 2.65 gallon palludarium with Endler's Livebearers for about 5 years now. This tank has moved with me through two different moves and today, I have 11 tanks! Part of me can't believe my explosion of tanks, the other part of me is not surprised at all.

    I have been very inspired by videos by both Cory and Irene, and I am now propagating a variety of plants for the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society (GSAS) Horticulture Award Program (HAP) and also am doing some breeding of cherry shrimp, endlers, and guppies for the Breeder Award Program (BAP) as well.

    I am also growing Java moss, seasoning extra cycled sponges, and processing beautiful pieces of driftwood (boiling, cleaning up, and sinking) to potentially help support my aquatic hobby. I would not be surprised if I eventually became some kind of a fish store. 🌲😅🐟🌲

    The land I live on is a wetlands rich with a variety of mosses, so my next project is to see if I can adapt some terrestrial mosses to live under water.

    My favorite fish are Endler's Livebearers because they are so hearty, active, and colorful, with such a variety of tail shapes!

    Recently I went through a 36hr power outage and barely slept as I was trying to keep the water temperature up. At night, the temp dropped as low as 54°F and I didn't lose any fish! Given, I have had this line of endlers for about 5 years now and they have seen other power outage and broken pumps before.

    Anyhow, now that I've written a whole essay, I just wanted to introduce myself and share my love and excitement for fish and aquatic plants!

    Attached are a few pictures of some of my tanks.

    Cheers and thank you for having me! 🙂





    Great stuff Yuns! Glad you got to view my fish room the other day. I’m so rural so I don’t get any visitors. I felt rushed due to my on accord or I would of taken more time to show you some interesting or answer any more questions you had. What I enjoy about this hobby is the endless ways we can approach it! Keep at it. 

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  6. On 2/20/2022 at 6:52 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

    I don't know if I'm ambitious or a poor judge of my abilities. I think I was inspired by the incredible progress @Jimmy made on his Fish Room 64 build.  I am certainly not as talented though, so we'll see how it goes.

    Thanks!  @dasaltemelosguy has named it "Fry Falls", and I have decided I quite like as a moniker.  I have an update on it today actually. 

    Today was the largest release of the fry into the water.  The system has caught every single one now, over the course of a week.  They all seem to be doing well as far as I can tell.  I was a bit worried about the really high flow rate in there until @HillstreamBoy posted that awesome video taken from their native spring.  The fry seem to be okay with the flow for now.  Or at least they are when they can hide in the X-Mas moss and behind it in a calm spot.  Still, when the freeze dried cyclops  go in many of them rush up into the stream and seem quite capable of dealing with that sort of flow.  So, who knows, this crazy contraption might just work yet.  I hope so.  I'd be really excited to have a bunch of these!

    Well thanks for the mention. Great little journal very interesting. I’m far from talented! I didn’t go for precision carpentry but the electrical I gave the most attention to.

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  7. On 2/14/2022 at 9:47 AM, Aqua junky said:

    only Stuff I've used is the Salty shrimp GH booster or the Salty shrimp gh kh booster and it seems to dissolve fairly quickly for me. I add it to my jugs' than add the water. 

    I’ve considered that product. I may get out of guppies I really don’t want to alter water

    On 2/14/2022 at 11:05 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

    Saltyshrimp is a better product but unfortunately way too expensive. 

    The best option is to use CaSO4 and MgSO4 to build GH and potassium carbonate/ bicarbonate for KH. Baking soda can be used as well but salt might be undesirable in some situations. 

    Im lazy lol

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  8. On 2/12/2022 at 6:52 AM, lefty o said:

    1 fry is a start. tanks look good.

    It’s sizable to no idea when she dropped it or how many she actually had. I’m hoping to get more. I would love to develop this line out for ponds. 


    On 2/12/2022 at 8:21 AM, Hobbit said:

    Looks great! Those are some beautiful fish!

    I think so too. I thought I would go harder into guppies but I may not. My pictures suck but both males have substantial blue color behind  their gil plates that really pops. This strain is very dimunitive in size which I really like.

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  9. Played in the fish room today. Look at the top down on these two males I got from LRB awhile back. It was a trio. Today I finally found 1 fry! Hope to develop this strain out its beautiful and again I love the top down. image.jpeg.3a19c507ef735b42c689e01fbc8a54c1.jpegimage.jpeg.6ccf9d2f73671ba0ceeb93a8df1de097.jpeg


    I still have 16~ empty tanks. I put aragonite in this 20 long. It’s a little too white but I plan on growing a dense guppy grass jungle in it so it doesn’t matter.image.jpeg.75bd28079deded8fd550a0f6a880d406.jpeg

    I like to repurpose glass jars for planters. I used some aquasoil and intend on putting pogostemon clippings in them. The perk to this for me is if I have to do maintenance it’s rather easy to pull them out or prune. Also easier tank tear down and also I don’t want to sacrifice too much water volumn in 10gs with thick substrate to get things to root. Terracotta is my preferred planter but glass jars are exceptional since I have dozens.


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  10. On 2/1/2022 at 4:46 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

    Sacrilege as it likely is around here, but, kind of, me too.  I had cherry shrimp and they were okay.  But I never really got attached to them.  They did fine, I just didn't connect with them.  On the other hand the CPO crayfish I had I did like!  They were territorial, and interacted with each other.  They defended homes.  I found their behavior to be far more interesting than the shrimp.  Sadly, I thought it would be a great idea to add some crustacean eggs that came from a wild source in there to see what they would do, and it clearly introduced a disease.  They looked like dismantled cars one by one over the next week.  I haven't tried them since, but maybe I should.  Although now most of my fish would eat them in no time, so...  I'd have to have a dedicated tank. 

    I lost a few but since had a ton of babies which has been exciting. Not sure why I had 3 adults die. Also I paid for LRB fire red shrimp but honestly I don’t know if they are any more noticeable quality than stuff marketed as cherry shrimp 

    • Like 1
  11. On 1/31/2022 at 12:26 AM, BettaHomesAndGardens said:

    This was so much fun to read through. Everything looks awesome! Hope to have something similar someday. I may have skipped over it inadvertently but what are your plans for potential power outages. Do you have a backup generator or something of that nature? Living in the Midwest this is always a huge fear of mine and I need to get more proactive about it. 

    Well I’m glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to be more thorough with the journal but time was and my wife’s patience was everything. This room will tie me over for 5-10 years til we get our forever home. I learned a ton and have a better idea on what my long term fish room might be set up differently.


    I live in the Pacific Northwest, it’s rather mild in the puget sound. Also my town is small and is quick to repair outages. I’m not overly concerned about outages. I have a generator or inverter for my car if need be.


    fish can tolerate a wide range of temps short term so if you have an outage my focus would be just getting tanks aerated.

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  12. On 1/30/2022 at 11:54 AM, rastamon34 said:

    This was an awesome journal buddy. I'm planning a basement fish room here soon, and I think perhaps I will post some photos and such too. You've done a ton with a very small space, Great Job. What is the material you used for your lids called? and how did you cut it? Thanks dude.

    Twin wall polycarbonate. You can get it at lowes or Home Depot. I used a jigsaw and then a utility blade to clean up the edges.

    Consider keeping a journal. You can just take a lot of pictures and update it when you have time. 

    im glad you enjoyed it make sure to check in from time to time. I’m about to have 3 months off so I will be staying active in the room. Let me know if you have any questions!

    • Like 1
  13. Congrats! I generally don’t have fungus with my paleatus. I tend to pull the eggs from the tank and put in a shoe box with a airline for a little aeration. They tend to hatch within 5-6 days. I feed either first bites or live bbs. They seem to be really hardy fry for me.

  14. Is it Xtreme sinking wafers? My fish aren’t crazy for them a lot of the time. It’s pretty common for me to have fish disinterested in prepared food after I feed say frozen bloodworms, brine or live baby brine. For me fasting my fish by skipping a feeding always increases their willingness to accept prepared food.

  15. On 1/2/2022 at 11:36 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    My wife presented me with the idea of creating a fish room within our attached garage. I am a lucky guy.

    I’ve had my fishwall in our garage since the summer of ‘21 with breeding projects starting in spring ‘21 on a single smaller rack. Presently my setup has my Blue Hawaiian Moscow’s, blue dream neos, plant and fish qt tanks, a breeding colony of panda guppies, F. Gardneri p82s. Future plans include a group of green dragon ancistrus, ataeniobious toweri a goodied, and to expand my breeding of livebearers to include my colony of teacup coral/fireball platys and my more tanks for the BH Moscows and my line of longfin super red calico BNs. 

    My other thought process on this build is that I need to start thinking about making these racks auto-water changing racks. I’m thinking it will be 2 Costco racks on either side with a small set of racks for smaller tanks and supplies. I’ll also want to do a loop for the linear piston pump as well. 

    Well this is exciting. I’ll start updating here regularly and once it’s more than plans I’ll start a build journal. 

    You might start a build thread. Check mine out in my signature 

    • Thanks 1
  16. On 1/15/2022 at 8:23 PM, Hobbit said:

    Huh! Well, from what I’ve seen on this forum, cories will do okay on sharp substrate as long as they don’t have a reason to dig obsessively. Some cories might just like digging more than others. Or, if little bits of food get buried in the sand, they might go after those even if it’s wearing down their barbels. I have a theory based on some other posts that their barbels might get calloused over time, so they’ll build up a tolerance to a sharp substrate. Other nerms have postulated that they dig a lot more when they’re new to a tank because they’re exploring.

    I’ve had barbel erosion on round gravel so I’m hesitant to put them on anything half the time. I have lots of time to think about what will go in it, I have about 17~ empty tanks

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