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Scott P.

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Posts posted by Scott P.

  1. Another live food that's easy to raise are flightless fruit flies.

    There are two varieties. The Melangastor are the smaller of the two.

    Lots of fish love them and they are super easy to keep going.

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  2. On 7/9/2021 at 1:39 PM, GameCzar said:

    Just in case you ever need convincing to use AquaHuna,  just check out this vid featuring the owner.   If his passion and pedigree doesn't convince you, nothing will! 


    Thanks for sharing that video. I did not know they were partners with ACO.

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/8/2021 at 6:14 PM, swivvr said:

    I have a 5 gallon quarantine tank, do you think they will be fine in there? @xXInkedPhoenixX

    I would think so. You should be able to do the change within a couple of hours.

    They should be fine. 

    I would make sure the water parameters were about the same in both tanks.

    Other than that I don't see a problem.

  4. On 7/8/2021 at 2:57 PM, CalmedByFish said:

    @Odd Duck and @DebSills, Success! I got the endler laying in my wet hand, snipped the mouth side, and let her rest in a cup of water. Then I picked her up again, and in my effort to get ahold of the toosh side, the hair either broke, or somehow slid all the way out - that one was almost 2" long! She's acting okay now, so maybe she will be. She sends her appreciation. 🙂 

    Good news, I was wondering how that was going to go.

  5. Not sure how heavy it is planted, but I think the plants are using it all.

    Eight tetras in 29 gallons is a lite load.

    I bet if you fertilize it some more, nitrates will start showing up.

    Adding more fish will likely do the same.

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  6. If it were me I would say something for sure.

    If she is truly a friend she shouldn't get offended. Bad thing is if she doesn't do something quick the fish  probably won't make it very long. That's a hard way to learn.

    If it were me and I was doing what she did, I would want you to set me straight.

    Some people really don't like to be corrected though.

    Good luck.

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  7. On 7/4/2021 at 5:39 AM, Daniel C said:

    Hello Scott. If you're like me you will be amazed at the changes since you were last in the hobby. I had no fish for about 8 years. Today I have programable LED lighting and almost instant answers to questions and free information from YouTube and these nice people on this forum. 🙂

    I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject lately. The hobby has really come a long way.

    The problem right now is finding small parts of the puzzle. Where I live there seems to be shortages of all sorts of aquarium equipment. Finding air stones locally is next to impossible. 


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