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Scott P.

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Posts posted by Scott P.

  1. I just started using a siesta on my light about a week or so ago.

    I was having constant green hair algae growth on my Amazon swords. I tried manually removing it with a toothbrush for a couple of weeks. That worked but it came right back in just a few days. I finally decided it was time to try the siesta deal.

    It only took a couple days before I noticed a difference. Now after a week or so the algae on my Swords on only a small amount and the algae on my filter is going away. Time will tell but at the moment it seems to be doing the trick.

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  2. On 9/24/2021 at 5:55 PM, NanoNano said:

    Banana peel works great and snails love it.  Banana fruit is like adding a big dose of Bacteria AE to your tank- it degrades quickly and ends up coating and "sliming" nearby decor and glass.

    Yeah  if it were me and I wanted to try it, I wouldn't leave it in there very long.

  3. Added two Bolivian Rams to the tank today. They settled in pretty quickly and don't seem to be bothered by the Rasboras and they don't seem to even notice the shrimp.

    That said my Harlequin Rasbora pack has earned the name "Pack of Hyenas". These guys are all around the Rams when they are trying to eat. If one of the Rams drops a food pellet for a second, one of the Harlequins swoops in like a fighter jet and is gone with the pellet. The chunk of food is way to big for them to swallow so they swim off and hide till they can get it down.

    If anyone has any advice on how to make sure my Rams are getting enough to eat I am all ears.

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  4. On 9/7/2021 at 2:48 PM, Intuos said:

    Probably will eventually depending on how much it likes your water and lighting. Would suggest that you don't use root tabs though 😂

    I don't use tabs and only use a small amount of ferts. So far they are putting on new leaves and for the most part staying a few inches below the water line.

    There is one leaf that says, Hey look at me, I'm above the water line. There's always that one that just has to show out. LOL

    • Haha 1
  5. On 9/6/2021 at 10:12 PM, mommygourami said:

    Mine took over my 20 gallon long pretty quick, but they look great in my 55 gallon now.  Just a great excuse for Scott to upgrade to a bigger tank someday. 😉 

    I have had a second thought or two about putting three in that corner. I have grown them before and should have known better. I may end up taking the middle one out. 

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  6. On 9/6/2021 at 8:35 PM, Odd Duck said:

    So, . . . . This planaria trap is working already!  I used a 22 ga hypodermic needle since that’s what it looked like he was using.  I have a few tiny planaria and one larger one in the trap within about 30 minutes. Just in case anybody was wondering, pea puffers don’t eat planaria.  Since their tank has the most detritus, they had the most planaria.  Next I’ll be moving it to one of my shrimp tanks that hasn’t been doing as well as expected.  I’ll see how many times I have to reset it to knock them down.

    Good to see it's working for you. I always take those videos with a grain of salt till someone else tries it.

    I don't have planaria but at least now I know what to do if I ever do.

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