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Everything posted by Ponyoryx

  1. Hi, I have cherry shrimp coming in the mail. Do they also require drip acclimation? I have seen some videos on YouTube and I have a 10gal container to do it in. Is there extremely high risk of acclimating the temperature and then just adding them to the tank?
  2. Thanks everyone for the great advice!! I feel much less stressed about this and will focus on a stable pH.
  3. Thanks! The crypts are about 2 months old and did not melt at all when I planted them. 2 or 3 of the leaves have new large black spots, about 3-4mm in diameter. I just don't want it to get out of control so hopefully stabilizing my pH will help. I'm not home or I would send a closer pic.
  4. I guess I'm worri d it's harmful to the fish because I've been told they prefer a lower pH. If I can just keep it stable, then I will! I like having the almond leaves, so I will just keep a steady supply of them and my pH will land where it lands. Thank you!
  5. Hello! New aquarist here. I have a 5gal fluval spec, moderately planted with 1 betta, 5 rasbora, 5 shrimp, and many snails. I do a water change (~20%) every 7-10 days, and easy green and easy iron once weekly. My substrate is flourite black + rocks + sand. I'm finding my parameters are staying stable except my pH. My tap water pH is 7.8 and I'm trying to keep my tank around 7.0-7.2. I have drift wood and Indian almond leaves (and love the tannins!), but I keep finding that after a few days and a water change, the pH creeps up to almost 7.6!! I'm noticing some crypt rot as a consequence, I believe. I have pH down drops, but I would prefer a more sustainable way to keep my pH low. I think adding a buffer like crushed coral will help with the fluctuations, but I fear it will hold my pH around 7.4-7.6. Any other suggestions? Am I doing something wrong? Ammonia 0 Phosphate 0 Nitrate <20 Nitrite 0 GH 75ppm KH 100ppm Sorry I only know KH/GH in ppm because I have strips
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